1 The wordsof Agurthe sonof Jakeh, eventhe prophecy: the manspakeunto Ithiel, even unto Ithieland Ucal,2 Surely I ammore brutish than anyman, and have not the understandingof a man.3 I neither learnedwisdom, nor havethe knowledgeof the holy.nhave: Heb. know4 Who hath ascended upinto heaven, or descended? who hath gatheredthe windin his fists? who hath boundthe watersin a garment? who hath establishedall the endsof the earth? what ishis name, and what ishis son'sname, if thou canst tell?5 Every wordof Godispure: he isa shieldunto them that put their trust in him.npure: Heb. purified6 Addthou not unto his words, lest he reprovethee, and thou be found a liar.7 Twothingshave I requiredof thee; deny me themnot before I die:ndeny…: Heb. withhold not from me8 Remove farfrom me vanityand lies: giveme neither povertynor riches; feedme with foodconvenient for me:nconvenient…: Heb. of my allowance9 Lest I be full, and denythee, and say, Who isthe Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and takethe nameof my Godin vain.ndeny…: Heb. belie thee10 Accusenot a servantunto his master, lest he cursethee, and thou be found guilty.nAccuse…: Heb. Hurt not with thy tongue11 There isa generationthatcurseththeir father, and doth not blesstheir mother.12 There isa generationthat arepurein their own eyes, and yetis not washedfrom their filthiness.13 There isa generation, O how loftyare their eyes! and their eyelidsare lifted up.14 There isa generation, whose teethare asswords, and their jaw teethasknives, to devourthe poorfrom off the earth, and the needy from amongmen.15 The horseleachhath twodaughters, crying, Give, give. There are threethings thatare never satisfied, yea, fourthingssay not, It isenough:nIt is…: Heb. Wealth16 The grave; and the barrenwomb; the earththatis not filledwith water; and the firethatsaith not, It isenough.17 The eyethatmocketh at hisfather, and despisethto obeyhismother, the ravensof the valleyshall pick it out, and the youngeaglesshall eat it.nthe valley: or, the brook18 There be threethings whichare too wonderfulfor me, yea, fourwhich I know not:19 The wayof an eaglein the air; the wayof a serpentupon a rock; the wayof a shipin the midstof the sea; and the wayof a manwith a maid.nmidst: Heb. heart20 Such isthe wayof an adulterouswoman; she eateth, and wipethher mouth, and saith, I have doneno wickedness.21 For threethingsthe earthis disquieted, and for fourwhichit cannotbear:22 For a servantwhen he reigneth; and a foolwhen he is filledwith meat;23 For an odiouswomanwhen she is married; and an handmaidthat is heirto her mistress.24 There be fourthings which arelittleupon the earth, but they areexceedingwise:nexceeding…: Heb. wise, made wise25 The antsarea peoplenot strong, yet they preparetheir meatin the summer;26 The coniesare buta feeblefolk, yet makethey their housesin the rocks;27 The locustshave no king, yet go they forthall of them by bands;nby…: Heb. gathered together28 The spidertaketh holdwith her hands, and is in kings'palaces.29 There be threethingswhich gowell, yea, fourare comelyin going:30 A lionwhich isstrongestamong beasts, and turneth not awayfor any;31 A greyhound; an he goatalso; and a king, against whom there isno rising up.ngreyhound: or, horse: Heb. girt in the loins32 If thou hast done foolishlyin lifting upthyself, or if thou hast thought evil, laythine handupon thy mouth.33 Surely the churningof milkbringeth forthbutter, and the wringingof the nosebringeth forthblood: so the forcingof wrathbringeth forthstrife.