1 The wordsof the Preacher, the sonof David, kingin Jerusalem.2 Vanityof vanities, saiththe Preacher, vanityof vanities; all isvanity.3 What profithath a manof all his labourwhich he takethunder the sun?4 Onegenerationpasseth away, and anothergenerationcometh: but the earthabidethfor ever.5 The sunalso ariseth, and the sungoeth down, and hastethto his placewhere he arose.nhasteth: Heb. panteth6 The windgoethtoward the south, and turneth aboutunto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the windreturneth againaccording to his circuits.7 All the riversruninto the sea; yet the seaisnot full; unto the placefrom whence the riverscome, thither they returnagain.nreturn…: Heb. return to go8 All thingsarefull of labour; mancannotutterit: the eyeis not satisfiedwith seeing, nor the earfilledwith hearing.9 The thing that hath been, it is thatwhich shall be; and that which is doneisthat which shall be done: and there isno newthingunder the sun.10 Is thereanythingwhereof it may be said, See, this isnew? it hath been alreadyof old time, which was before us.11 There isno remembranceof formerthings; neither shall there be anyremembrance of thingsthat are to come with thosethat shall come after.
12 I the Preacherwas kingover Israelin Jerusalem.13 And I gavemy heartto seekand search outby wisdom concerning all thingsthat are doneunder heaven: this soretravailhath Godgivento the sonsof manto be exercised therewith.nto be…: or, to afflict them14 I have seenall the worksthat are doneunder the sun; and, behold, all isvanityand vexationof spirit.15 That which iscrookedcannotbe made straight: and that which is wantingcannotbe numbered.nthat which is wanting: Heb. defect16 I communedwith mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gottenmore wisdom than all theythat have been beforeme in Jerusalem: yea, my hearthad greatexperienceof wisdomand knowledge.nhad…: Heb. had seen much17 And I gavemy heartto knowwisdom, and to knowmadnessand folly: I perceivedthat thisalso is vexationof spirit.18 For in muchwisdomismuchgrief: and he that increasethknowledgeincreasethsorrow.