1 He criedalso in mine earswith a loudvoice, saying, Cause them that have chargeover the cityto draw near, even every manwithhis destroyingweaponin his hand.2 And, behold, sixmencamefrom the wayof the highergate, which liethtoward the north, and every mana slaughterweaponin his hand; and onemanamong them wasclothedwith linen, with a writer'sinkhornby his side: and they went in, and stoodbesidethe brasenaltar.nwhich lieth: Heb. which is turnedna slaughter…: Heb. a weapon of his breaking in piecesnby his…: Heb. upon his loins3 And the gloryof the Godof Israelwas gone upfrom the cherub, whereupon he was, to the thresholdof the house. And he calledto the manclothedwith linen, which hadthe writer'sinkhornby his side;4 And the Lordsaidunto him, Go throughthe midstof the city, through the midstof Jerusalem, and seta markupon the foreheadsof the menthat sighand that cryfor all the abominationsthat be donein the midst thereof.nset a mark: Heb. mark a mark
5 And to the othershe saidin mine hearing, Goye afterhim through the city, and smite: let not your eyespare, neither have ye pity:nmine hearing: Heb. mine ears6 Slayutterlyoldandyoung, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not nearany man upon whom isthe mark; and beginat my sanctuary. Then they beganat the ancientmen which werebeforethe house.nutterly: Heb. to destruction7 And he saidunto them, Defilethe house, and fillthe courtswith the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slewin the city.
8 And it came to pass, while they were slayingthem, and I was left, that I fellupon my face, and cried, and said, AhLordGod! wilt thou destroyall the residueof Israelin thy pouring outof thy furyupon Jerusalem?9 Then saidhe unto me, The iniquityof the houseof Israeland Judahisexceedinggreat, and the landis fullof blood, and the cityfullof perverseness: for they say, The Lordhath forsakenthe earth, and the Lordseeth not.nfull of blood: Heb. filled with, etcnperverseness: or, wresting of judgment10 And as for me also, mine eyeshall not spare, neither will I have pity, butI will recompensetheir wayupon their head.11 And, behold, the manclothedwith linen, which hadthe inkhornby his side, reportedthe matter, saying, I have doneas thou hast commanded me.nreported…: Heb. returned the word