1 And at that timeshall Michaelstand up, the greatprincewhich standethfor the childrenof thy people: and there shall bea timeof trouble, such as never was since there was a nationevento that same time: and at that timethy peopleshall be delivered, every one that shall be foundwrittenin the book.2 And manyof them that sleepin the dustof the earthshall awake, some to everlastinglife, and some to shameandeverlastingcontempt.3 And they that be wiseshall shineas the brightnessof the firmament; and they that turn manyto righteousnessas the starsfor everand ever.nwise: or, teachers4 But thou, O Daniel, shut upthe words, and sealthe book, evento the timeof the end: manyshall run to and fro, and knowledgeshall be increased.
5 Then I Daniellooked, and, behold, there stoodothertwo, the oneon this sideof the bankof the river, and the otheron that side of the bankof the river.nbank: Heb. lipnbank: Heb. lip6 And onesaidto the manclothedin linen, which wasuponthe watersof the river, How long shall it be tothe endof these wonders?nupon…: or, from above7 And I heardthe manclothedin linen, which wasuponthe watersof the river, when he held uphis right handand his left handunto heaven, and swareby him that livethfor ever that it shall befor a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplishedto scatterthe powerof the holypeople, all these thingsshall be finished.na time…: or, part8 And I heard, but I understoodnot: then saidI, O my Lord, what shall bethe end of these things?9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the wordsareclosed upand sealedtill the timeof the end.10 Manyshall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wickedshall do wickedly: and none of the wickedshall understand; but the wiseshall understand.11 And from the timethatthe dailysacrificeshall be taken away, and the abominationthat maketh desolateset up, there shall bea thousandtwo hundredand ninetydays.nthe abomination: Heb. to set up the abominationnmaketh…: or, astonisheth12 Blessedishe that waiteth, and comethto the thousandthreehundredand fiveand thirtydays.13 But go thou thy waytill the endbe: for thou shalt rest, and standin thy lotat the endof the days.nfor thou: or, and thou, etc