1 AndSaul, yetbreathing outthreateningsandslaughteragainstthe disciplesof the Lord, went untothe high priest,2 And desiredofhimletterstoDamascustothe synagogues, thatifhe foundanyof this way, whetherthey weremenorwomen, he might bringthem bounduntoJerusalem.3 Andashe journeyed, hecamenearDamascus: andsuddenlythere shined round abouthima lightfromheaven:4 Andhe felltothe earth, and hearda voicesayingunto him, Saul, Saul, whypersecutest thoume?5 Andhe said, Whoart thou, Lord? Andthe Lordsaid, IamJesuswhomthoupersecutest: it ishardfor theeto kickagainstthe pricks.6 Andhe tremblingandastonishedsaid, Lord, whatwilt thouhavemeto do? Andthe Lordsaiduntohim, Arise, andgointothe city, andit shall be toldtheewhatthoumustdo.7 Andthe menwhichjourneyedwith himstoodspeechless, hearinga voice, butseeingno man.8 AndSaularosefromthe earth; and whenhiseyeswere opened, he sawno man: butthey ledhimby the hand, and broughthimintoDamascus.9 Andhe wasthreedayswithoutsight, andneitherdid eatnordrink.
10 Andthere wasa certaindiscipleatDamascus, namedAnanias; andtohimsaidthe Lordina vision, Ananias.Andhe said, Behold, Iam here, Lord.11 Andthe Lordsaiduntohim, Arise, and gointothe streetwhichis calledStraight, andenquireinthe houseof JudasforonecalledSaul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth,12 Andhath seenina visiona mannamedAnaniascoming in, andputtinghishandon him, thathe might receive his sight.13 ThenAnaniasanswered, Lord, I have heardbymanyofthisman, how muchevilhe hath doneto thysaintsatJerusalem:14 Andherehe hathauthorityfromthe chief prieststo bindallthat call onthyname.15 Butthe Lordsaiduntohim, Go thy way: forheisa chosenvesselunto me, to bearmynamebeforethe Gentiles, andkings, andthe childrenof Israel:16 ForIwill shewhimhow great thingshemustsufferformyname's sake.17 AndAnaniaswent his way, andenteredintothe house; andputting hishandsonhimsaid, BrotherSaul, the Lord, evenJesus, thatappearedunto theeinthe wayasthou camest, hath sentme, thatthou mightest receive thy sight, andbe filledwith the HolyGhost.18 Andimmediatelythere fellfromhiseyesas it had beenscales: andhe received sightforthwith, andarose, and was baptized.19 Andwhen he had receivedmeat, he was strengthened. ThenwasSaulcertaindayswiththe discipleswhich wereatDamascus.20 Andstraightwayhe preachedChristinthe synagogues, thatheisthe Sonof God.21 Butallthatheardhimwere amazed, andsaid; Isnotthishe thatdestroyedthem whichcalled onthisnameinJerusalem, andcamehitherforthat intent, thathe might bringthembounduntothe chief priests?22 ButSaulincreasedthe morein strength, andconfoundedthe JewswhichdweltatDamascus, provingthatthisisveryChrist.
23 Andafter thatmanydayswere fulfilled, the Jewstook counselto killhim:24 Buttheirlaying awaitwas knownof Saul. Andthey watchedthe gatesdayandnighttokillhim.25 Thenthe disciplestookhimby night, and lethimdownbythe wallina basket.26 Andwhen Saulwas cometoJerusalem, he assayedto join himselfto the disciples: butthey wereallafraidof him, and believednotthathe wasa disciple.27 ButBarnabastookhim, and broughthimtothe apostles, anddeclaredunto themhowhe had seenthe Lordinthe way, andthathe had spoken tohim, andhowhe had preached boldlyatDamascusinthe nameof Jesus.28 Andhe waswiththemcoming inandgoing outatJerusalem.29 Andhe spake boldlyinthe nameof the LordJesus, anddisputedagainstthe Grecians: butthey went aboutto slayhim.30 Whichwhenthe brethrenknew, they broughthimdowntoCæsarea, andsenthimforthtoTarsus.31 Thenhadthe churchesrestthroughoutallJudæaandGalileeandSamaria, and were edified; andwalkingin the fearof the Lord, andin the comfortof the HolyGhost, were multiplied.
32 Andit came to pass, as Peterpassedthroughoutallquarters, he came downalsotothe saintswhichdweltat Lydda.33 Andtherehe founda certainmannamedÆneas, whichhad kept hisbedeightyears, and wassick of the palsy.34 AndPetersaidunto him, Æneas, JesusChristmakeththeewhole: arise, andmakethybed. Andhe aroseimmediately.35 Andallthatdweltat LyddaandSaronsawhim, and turnedtothe Lord.
36 Nowthere wasatJoppaa certaindisciplenamedTabitha, whichby interpretationis calledDorcas: thiswomanwasfullof goodworksandalmsdeedswhichshe did.37 Andit came to passinthosedays, that shewas sick, and died: whomwhen they had washed, they laidherinan upper chamber.38 Andforasmuch asLyddawas nighto Joppa, andthe discipleshad heardthatPeterwasthere, they sentuntohimtwomen, desiringhimthathe wouldnotdelayto cometothem.39 ThenPeteraroseand went with them. Whenhe was come, they brought himintothe upper chamber: andallthe widowsstood byhimweeping, andshewingthe coatsandgarmentswhichDorcasmade, while she waswiththem.40 ButPeterput themallforth, and kneeled down, and prayed; andturninghimtothe bodysaid, Tabitha, arise. Andshe openedhereyes: andwhen she sawPeter, she sat up.41 Andhe gaveherhishand, and liftedherup, andwhen he had calledthe saintsandwidows, presentedheralive.42 Andit wasknownthroughoutallJoppa; andmanybelievedinthe Lord.43 Andit came to pass, that hetarriedmanydaysinJoppawithoneSimona tanner.