1 AndSaulwasconsenting untohisdeath. Andatthattimethere wasa greatpersecutionagainstthe churchwhich wasatJerusalem; andthey wereallscattered abroadthroughoutthe regionsof JudæaandSamaria, exceptthe apostles.2 AnddevoutmencarriedStephento his burial, andmadegreatlamentationoverhim.3 Asfor Saul, he made havockof the church, entering intoeveryhouse, andhalingmenandwomencommittedthemtoprison.4 Thereforetheythat were scattered abroadwent every wherepreachingthe word.5 ThenPhilipwent downtothe cityof Samaria, and preachedChristunto them.6 Andthe peoplewithone accordgave heeduntothose thingswhichPhilipspake, hearingandseeingthe miracleswhichhe did.7 Foruncleanspirits, cryingwith loudvoice, came outof manythat were possessedwith them: andmanytaken with palsies, andthat werelame, were healed.8 Andthere wasgreatjoyinthatcity.9 But there wasa certainman, calledSimon, which beforetimeinthe same cityused sorcery, andbewitchedthe peopleof Samaria, giving out thathimselfwassomegreat one:10 To whomthey allgave heed, fromthe leasttothe greatest, saying, This manisthe greatpowerof God.11 Andto himthey had regard, because thatof longtimehe had bewitchedthemwith sorceries.12 Butwhenthey believedPhilippreachingthe thingsconcerningthe kingdomof God, andthe nameof JesusChrist, they were baptized, bothmenandwomen.13 ThenSimonhimselfbelievedalso: andwhen he wasbaptized, he continuedwith Philip, andwondered, beholdingthe miraclesandsignswhich were done.14 Now whenthe apostleswhich wereatJerusalemheardthatSamariahad receivedthe wordof God, they sentuntothemPeterandJohn:15 Who, when they were come down, prayedforthem, thatthey might receivethe HolyGhost:16 (Foras yethe wasfallenuponnoneof them: onlythey werebaptizedinthe nameof the LordJesus.)17 Thenlaid theytheirhandsonthem, andthey receivedthe HolyGhost.18 Andwhen Simonsawthatthroughlaying onof the apostles'handsthe HolyGhostwas given, he offeredthemmoney,19 Saying, Give mealsothispower, thaton whomsoeverI layhands, he may receivethe HolyGhost.20 ButPetersaiduntohim, Thymoneyperishwiththee, becausethou hast thoughtthatthe giftof Godmay be purchasedwith money.21 Thouhastneitherpartnorlotinthismatter: forthyheartisnotrightin the sight ofGod.22 Repentthereforeofthisthywickedness, andprayGod, ifperhapsthe thoughtof thineheartmay be forgiventhee.23 ForI perceivethat thouartinthe gallof bitterness, andinthe bondof iniquity.24 ThenansweredSimon, and said, Prayyetothe Lordforme, thatnone of these thingswhichye have spokencomeuponme.25 Andthey, when they had testifiedandpreachedthe wordof the Lord, returnedtoJerusalem, andpreached the gospelin manyvillagesof the Samaritans.26 Andthe angelof the LordspakeuntoPhilip, saying, Arise, andgotowardthe southuntothe waythatgoeth downfromJerusalemuntoGaza, whichisdesert.27 Andhe aroseand went: and, behold, a manof Ethiopia, an eunuchof great authorityunder Candacequeenof the Ethiopians, whohad the charge ofallhertreasure, and had cometoJerusalemfor to worship,28 Wasreturning, andsittinginhischariotreadEsaiasthe prophet.29 Thenthe Spiritsaidunto Philip, Go near, andjoin thyselfto thischariot.30 AndPhilipran thither to him, and heardhimreadthe prophetEsaias, andsaid, Understandest thouwhatthou readest?31 Andhe said, Howcan I, exceptsome manshould guideme? Andhe desiredPhilipthat he would come upand sitwithhim.32 The placeof the scripturewhichhe readwasthis, He was ledasa sheeptothe slaughter; andlikea lambdumbbeforehisshearer, soopened henothismouth:33 Inhishumiliationhisjudgmentwas taken away: andwhoshall declarehisgeneration? forhislifeis takenfromthe earth.34 Andthe eunuchansweredPhilip, and said, I praythee, ofwhomspeakeththe prophetthis? ofhimself, orofsomeother man?35 ThenPhilipopenedhismouth, andbeganatthe samescripture, and preachedunto himJesus.36 Andasthey wentontheirway, they cameuntoa certainwater: andthe eunuchsaid, See, here iswater; whatdoth hindermeto be baptized?37 AndPhilipsaid, Ifthou believestwithallthine heart, thou mayest. And he answeredandsaid, I believethat JesusChrististhe Sonof God.38 Andhe commandedthe chariotto stand still: andthey went downbothintothe water, bothPhilipandthe eunuch; andhe baptizedhim.39 Andwhenthey were come upout ofthe water, the Spiritof the Lordcaught awayPhilip, thatthe eunuchsawhimno more: andhe wenton hiswayrejoicing.40 ButPhilipwas foundatAzotus: andpassing throughhe preachedin allthe cities, tillhecametoCæsarea.