1 ThenAgrippasaiduntoPaul, Thouart permittedto speakforthyself. ThenPaulstretched forththe hand, and answered for himself:2 I thinkmyselfhappy, kingAgrippa, because I shallanswer for myselfthis daybeforetheetouchingall the thingswhereofI am accusedofthe Jews:3 Especiallybecause I knowtheeto beexpertin allcustomsandquestionswhich areamongthe Jews: whereforeI beseechtheeto hearme patiently.4 Mymanner of lifefrommy youth, whichwasatthe firstamongmine ownnationatJerusalem, knowallthe Jews;5 Which knewmefrom the beginning, ifthey wouldtestify, thatafterthe most straitestsectof ourreligionI liveda Pharisee.6 AndnowI standand am judgedforthe hopeof the promisemadeofGoduntoour fathers:7 Untowhichpromiseourtwelve tribes, instantlyservingGoddayandnight, hopeto come. Forwhichhope's sake, kingAgrippa, I am accusedofthe Jews.8 Whyshould it be thoughta thing incrediblewithyou, thatGodshould raisethe dead?9 Iverilythoughtwith myself, that I ought to domany thingscontrarytothe nameof Jesusof Nazareth.10 Which thingIalsodidinJerusalem: andmanyof the saintsdidIshut upin prison, having receivedauthorityfromthe chief priests; andwhen theywere put to death, I gavemy voiceagainstthem. 11 AndI punishedthemoftineverysynagogue, and compelledthemto blaspheme; andbeingexceedinglymadagainst them, I persecutedthemevenuntostrangecities.12 WhereuponasI wenttoDamascuswithauthorityandcommissionfromthe chief priests,13 Atmidday, O king, I sawinthe waya lightfrom heaven, abovethe brightnessof the sun, shining round aboutmeandthemwhich journeyedwithme.14 Andwhen wewere allfallentothe earth, I hearda voicespeakinguntome, andsayingin the Hebrewtongue, Saul, Saul, whypersecutestthou me? it ishardfor theeto kickagainstthe pricks.15 AndIsaid, Whoart thou, Lord? Andhe said, IamJesuswhomthoupersecutest.16 Butrise, andstanduponthyfeet: forI have appearedunto theeforthis purpose, to maketheea ministeranda witnessbothof these things whichthou hast seen, andof those things in the whichI will appearunto thee;17 Deliveringtheefromthe people, andfromthe Gentiles, untowhomnowI sendthee,18 To opentheireyes, andto turnthemfromdarknesstolight, andfromthe powerof SatanuntoGod, that theymay receiveforgivenessof sins, andinheritanceamongthem whichare sanctifiedby faiththat is inme.19 Whereupon, O kingAgrippa, I wasnotdisobedientunto the heavenlyvision:20 Butshewedfirstunto themofDamascus, andat Jerusalem, andthroughoutallthe coastsof Judæa, andthento the Gentiles, that they should repentandturntoGod, and doworksmeetfor repentance.21 Forthese causesthe Jewscaughtmeinthe temple, and went aboutto killme. 22 HavingthereforeobtainedhelpofGod, I continueuntothisday, witnessingbothto smallandgreat, sayingnoneother thingsthanthose whichthe prophetsandMosesdid sayshouldcome:23 ThatChristshouldsuffer, andthathe should be the firstthat should risefromthe dead, and should shewlightunto the people, andto the Gentiles.24 Andas hethusspake for himself, Festussaidwith a loudvoice, Paul, thou art beside thyself; muchlearningdoth maketheemad.25 Buthe said, I amnotmad, most nobleFestus; butspeak forththe wordsof truthandsoberness.26 Forthe kingknowethofthese things, beforewhomalsoI speakfreely: forI am persuadedthat noneof these thingsare hidden fromhim; forthis thingwasnotdoneina corner.27 KingAgrippa, believest thouthe prophets? I knowthatthou believest.28 ThenAgrippasaiduntoPaul, Almostthou persuadestmeto bea Christian.29 AndPaulsaid, I wouldto God, thatnotonlythou, butalsoallthat hearmethis day, werebothalmost, andaltogethersuchasIam, exceptthesebonds.30 Andwhen hehadthusspoken, the kingrose up, andthe governor, andBernice, andtheythat satwith them:31 Andwhen they were gone aside, they talkedbetweenthemselves, saying, Thismandoethnothingworthyof deathorof bonds.32 ThensaidAgrippaunto Festus, Thismanmight have beenset at liberty, ifhe hadnotappealedunto Cæsar.