1 Nowwhen Festuswas comeinto the province, afterthreedayshe ascendedfromCæsareatoJerusalem.2 Thenthe high priestandthe chiefof the JewsinformedhimagainstPaul, andbesoughthim,3 And desiredfavouragainsthim, thathe would send forhimtoJerusalem, layingwaitinthe wayto killhim.4 ButFestusanswered, that Paulshouldbe keptatCæsarea, andthat he himselfwould departshortlythither. 5 Let themtherefore, said he, whichamongyouare able, go down withme, and accusethisman, ifthere beanywickednessinhim.6 Andwhen he had tarriedamongthemmorethantendays, he went downuntoCæsarea; and the next daysittingonthe judgment seatcommandedPaulto be brought.7 Andwhenhewas come, the Jewswhichcame downfromJerusalemstood round about, and laidmanyandgrievouscomplaintsagainstPaul, whichthey couldnotprove.8 Whilehe answeredfor himself, Neitheragainstthe lawof the Jews, neitheragainstthe temple, nor yetagainstCæsar, have I offendedany thing at all.9 ButFestus, willingto dothe Jewsa pleasure, answeredPaul, and said, Wilt thougo uptoJerusalem, and therebe judgedofthese thingsbeforeme?10 ThensaidPaul, IstandatCæsar'sjudgment seat, whereIoughtto be judged: to the Jewshave I donenowrong, asthouvery wellknowest.11 ForifI be an offender, orhave committedany thingworthyof death, I refusenotto die: butifthere benoneof these things whereoftheseaccuseme, no manmaydelivermeunto them. I appeal untoCæsar.12 ThenFestus, when he had conferredwiththe council, answered, Hast thou appealedunto Cæsar? untoCæsarshalt thou go.13 AndaftercertaindayskingAgrippaandBernicecameuntoCæsareato saluteFestus.14 Andwhenthey had beentheremanydays, FestusdeclaredPaul'scauseunto the king, saying, There isa certainmanleftin bondsbyFelix:15 Aboutwhom, when IwasatJerusalem, the chief priestsandthe eldersof the Jewsinformedme, desiringto havejudgmentagainsthim.16 TowhomI answered, It isnotthe mannerof the Romansto deliveranymantodie, beforethathe whichis accusedhavethe accusersfacetoface, andhavelicenceto answer for himselfconcerningthe crime laid against him.17 Therefore, when theywere comehither, withoutany delayon the morrowI satonthe judgment seat, and commandedthe manto be brought forth.18 Againstwhomwhen the accusersstood up, they broughtnoneaccusationof such thingsas Isupposed:19 Buthadcertainquestionsagainsthimoftheir ownsuperstition, andofoneJesus, which was dead, whomPaulaffirmedto be alive.20 AndbecauseIdoubtedofsuchmannerof questions, I askedhimwhetherhe wouldgotoJerusalem, and therebe judgedofthese matters.21 Butwhen Paulhad appealedto be reserveduntothe hearingof Augustus, I commandedhimto be kepttillI might sendhimtoCæsar.22 ThenAgrippasaiduntoFestus, I wouldalsohearthe manmyself. To morrow, said he, thou shalt hearhim.23 Andon the morrow, when Agrippawas come, andBernice, withgreatpomp, andwas enteredintothe place of hearing, withthe chief captains, andprincipalmenof the city, atFestus'commandmentPaulwas brought forth.24 AndFestussaid, KingAgrippa, andall menwhichare here presentwith us, ye seethisman, aboutwhomallthe multitudeof the Jewshave dealtwith me, bothatJerusalem, andalsohere, crying thatheoughtnotto liveany longer.25 Butwhen Ifoundthat hehad committednothingworthyof death, andthat hehimselfhath appealed toAugustus, I have determinedto sendhim.26 OfwhomI havenocertainthingto writeunto my lord. WhereforeI have broughthimforthbeforeyou, andspeciallybeforethee, O kingAgrippa, that, after examinationhad, I might havesomewhatto write.27 Forit seemethto meunreasonableto senda prisoner, andnotwithal to signifythe crimeslaidagainsthim.