1 Andcertain menwhich came downfromJudæataughtthe brethren, and said, Exceptye be circumcisedafter the mannerof Moses, yecannotbesaved.2 When thereforePaulandBarnabashadnosmalldissensionanddisputationwiththem, they determined thatPaulandBarnabas, andcertainotherofthem, should go uptoJerusalemuntothe apostlesandeldersaboutthisquestion.3 Andbeing brought on their waybythe church, they passed throughPheniceandSamaria, declaringthe conversionof the Gentiles: andthey causedgreatjoyunto allthe brethren.4 Andwhen they were cometoJerusalem, they were receivedofthe church, andofthe apostlesandelders, andthey declaredall things thatGodhad donewiththem.5 Butthere rose upcertainofthe sectof the Phariseeswhich believed, saying, Thatit was needful tocircumcisethem, andto commandthemto keepthe lawof Moses.
6 Andthe apostlesandelderscame togetherfor to considerofthismatter.7 Andwhen there had beenmuchdisputing, Peterrose up, and saiduntothem, Menandbrethren, yeknowhow thata goodwhileagoGodmade choiceamongus, that the Gentilesbymymouthshould hearthe wordof the gospel, andbelieve.8 AndGod, which knoweth the hearts, barethemwitness, givingthemthe HolyGhost, evenashe didunto us;9 Andputnodifferencebetweenusandthem, purifyingtheirheartsby faith.10 Nowthereforewhytempt yeGod, to puta yokeuponthe neckof the disciples, whichneitherourfathersnorwewere ableto bear?11 Butwe believethatthroughthe graceof the LordJesusChristwe shall be saved, evenasthey.
13 Andafterthey had heldtheirpeace, Jamesanswered, saying, Menandbrethren, hearkenunto me:14 Simeonhath declaredhowGodat the firstdid visitthe Gentiles, to takeout of thema peopleforhisname.15 Andto thisagreethe wordsof the prophets; asit is written,16 AfterthisI will return, andwill build againthe tabernacleof David, whichis fallen down; andI will build againthe ruinsthereof, andI will setitup:17 Thatthe residueof menmight seekafter the Lord, andallthe Gentiles, uponwhommynameis called, saiththe Lord, who doethallthese things.18 Knownunto Godareallhisworksfromthe beginning of the world.19 Whereforemysentence is, that we troublenotthem, whichfrom amongthe Gentilesare turnedtoGod:20 Butthat we writeunto them, that they abstainfrompollutionsof idols, andfromfornication, andfromthings strangled, andfromblood.21 ForMosesofoldtimehathin everycitythemthat preachhim, being readinthe synagogueseverysabbath day.22 Thenpleased itthe apostlesandelders, withthe wholechurch, to sendchosenmenoftheir own companytoAntiochwithPaulandBarnabas; namely, JudassurnamedBarsabas, andSilas, chiefmenamongthe brethren:23 And they wrotelettersbythemafter this manner; The apostlesandeldersandbrethrensendgreetingunto the brethrenwhichare ofthe GentilesinAntiochandSyriaandCilicia:24 Forasmuch aswe have heard, thatcertainwhich went outfromushave troubledyouwith words, subvertingyoursouls, saying, Ye mustbe circumcised, andkeepthe law: to whomwe gavenosuchcommandment:25 It seemed goodunto us, being assembledwith one accord, to sendchosenmenuntoyouwithourbelovedBarnabasandPaul,26 Menthat have hazardedtheirlivesforthe nameof ourLordJesusChrist.27 We have sentthereforeJudasandSilas, whoshallalsotellyouthe same thingsbymouth.28 Forit seemed goodto the HolyGhost, andto us, to lay uponyounogreaterburdenthanthesenecessarythings;29 That ye abstainfrom meats offered to idols, andfrom blood, andfrom things strangled, andfrom fornication: fromwhichif ye keepyourselves, ye shall dowell. Fare ye well.30 Sowhenthey were dismissed, they cametoAntioch: andwhen they had gatheredthe multitudetogether, they deliveredthe epistle:31 Whichwhenthey had read, they rejoicedforthe consolation.32 AndJudasandSilas, beingprophetsalsothemselves, exhortedthe brethrenwithmanywords, andconfirmedthem. 33 Andafter they had tarriedtherea space, they were let goinpeacefromthe brethrenuntothe apostles.34 Notwithstandingit pleasedSilasto abidetherestill.35 PaulalsoandBarnabascontinuedinAntioch, teachingandpreachingthe wordof the Lord, withmanyothersalso.
36 AndsomedaysafterPaulsaiduntoBarnabas, Let us go againandvisitourbrethrenineverycitywherewe have preachedthe wordof the Lord, and seehowthey do.37 AndBarnabasdeterminedto take with themJohn, whose surname wasMark.38 ButPaulthoughtnotgoodto take himwith them, whodepartedfromthemfromPamphylia, andwentnotwith themtothe work.39 Andthe contentionwasso sharp between them, thatthey departed asunderonefromthe other: and soBarnabastookMark, and saileduntoCyprus;40 AndPaulchoseSilas, and departed, being recommendedbythe brethrenunto the graceof God.41 Andhe went throughSyriaandCilicia, confirmingthe churches.