1 Andit came to passinIconium, that theywentbothtogetherintothe synagogueof the Jews, andsospake, thata greatmultitudebothof the Jewsand alsoof the Greeksbelieved.2 Butthe unbelievingJewsstirred upthe Gentiles, andmadetheir mindsevil affectedagainstthe brethren.3 Longtimethereforeabode theyspeaking boldlyinthe Lord, which gave testimonyunto the wordof hisgrace, andgrantedsignsandwondersto be donebytheirhands.4 Butthe multitudeof the citywas divided: andpart heldwiththe Jews, andpart withthe apostles.5 Andwhenthere wasan assaultmadebothof the Gentiles, and alsoof the Jewswiththeirrulers, to usethemdespitefully, andto stonethem,6 They were ware ofit, and fleduntoLystraandDerbe, citiesof Lycaonia, andunto the region that lieth round about:7 And therethey preached the gospel.
8 Andthere sata certainmanatLystra, impotentin his feet, beinga cripplefromhismother'swomb, whoneverhad walked:9 The sameheardPaulspeak: whostedfastly beholdinghim, andperceivingthathe hadfaithto be healed,10 Saidwith a loudvoice, Standuprightonthyfeet. Andhe leapedandwalked.11 Andwhenthe peoplesawwhatPaulhad done, they lifted uptheirvoices, sayingin the speech of Lycaonia, The godsare come downtousin the likenessof men.12 Andthey calledBarnabas, Jupiter; andPaul, Mercurius, becausehewasthe chiefspeaker.13 Thenthe priestof Jupiter, which wasbeforetheircity, broughtoxenandgarlandsuntothe gates, and would havedone sacrificewiththe people.14 Whichwhenthe apostles, BarnabasandPaul, heardof, they renttheirclothes, and ran inamongthe people, crying out,15 Andsaying, Sirs, whydo yethese things? Wealsoaremenof like passionswith you, and preachunto youthat ye should turnfromthesevanitiesuntothe livingGod, whichmadeheaven, andearth, andthe sea, andall thingsthat are therein:16 Whointimespastsufferedallnationsto walk intheir ownways.17 Neverthelesshe leftnothimselfwithout witness, in that he did good, and gaveusrainfrom heaven, andfruitful seasons, fillingourheartswith foodandgladness.18 Andwith thesesayingsscarcerestrained theythe people, that they hadnotdone sacrificeunto them.
19 Andthere came thithercertainJewsfromAntiochandIconium, whopersuadedthe people, and, having stonedPaul, drewhimout ofthe city, supposinghehad been dead.20 Howbeit, as the disciplesstood round abouthim, he rose up, and cameintothe city: andthe next dayhe departedwithBarnabastoDerbe.21 Andwhen they had preached the gospelto thatcity, andhad taughtmany, they returned againtoLystra, andtoIconium, andAntioch,22 Confirmingthe soulsof the disciples, andexhorting themto continuein the faith, andthatwemustthroughmuchtribulationenterintothe kingdomof God.23 Andwhen they had ordainedthemeldersin everychurch, and had prayedwithfasting, they commendedthemto the Lord, onwhomthey believed.24 Andafter they had passed throughoutPisidia, they cametoPamphylia.25 Andwhen they had preachedthe wordinPerga, they went downintoAttalia:26 And thencesailedtoAntioch, from whencethey had beenrecommendedto the graceof Godforthe workwhichthey fulfilled.27 Andwhen they were come, andhad gatheredthe churchtogether, they rehearsedall thatGodhad donewiththem, andhowhe had openedthe doorof faithunto the Gentiles.28 Andtherethey abodelongtimewiththe disciples.