1 NowaboutthattimeHerodthe kingstretched forthhishandsto vexcertainofthe church.2 Andhe killedJamesthe brotherof Johnwith the sword.3 Andbecausehe sawit pleasedthe Jews, he proceeded furtherto takePeteralso. (Thenwerethe daysof unleavened bread.)4 Andwhenhe had apprehended him, he puthiminprison, and deliveredhimto fourquaternionsof soldiersto keephim; intendingafterEasterto bringhimforthto the people.5 Peterthereforewas keptinprison: butprayerwasmadewithout ceasingofthe churchuntoGodforhim.6 AndwhenHerodwouldhave broughthimforth, the samenightPeterwassleepingbetweentwosoldiers, boundwith twochains: andthe keepersbeforethe doorkeptthe prison.7 And, behold, the angelof the Lordcame uponhim, anda lightshinedinthe prison: andhe smotePeteron the side, and raisedhimup, saying, Ariseupquickly. Andhischainsfell offfromhishands.8 Andthe angelsaiduntohim, Gird thyself, andbind onthysandals. Andsohe did. Andhe saithunto him, Castthygarmentabout thee, andfollowme.9 Andhe went out, and followedhim; andwistnotthatit wastruewhich was donebythe angel; butthoughthe sawa vision.10 Whenthey were pastthe firstandthe secondward, they cameuntothe irongatethat leadethuntothe city; whichopenedto themof his own accord: andthey went out, and passed on throughonestreet; andforthwiththe angeldepartedfromhim.11 And whenPeterwas cometohimself, he said, NowI know of a surety, thatthe Lordhath senthisangel, andhath deliveredmeout ofthe handof Herod, andfromallthe expectationof the peopleof the Jews.12 Andwhen he had consideredthe thing, he cametothe houseof Marythe motherof John, whose surname wasMark; wheremanyweregathered togetherpraying.13 And asPeterknockedat the doorof the gate, a damselcameto hearken, namedRhoda.14 Andwhen she knewPeter'svoice, she openednotthe gateforgladness, butran in, and toldhowPeterstoodbeforethe gate.15 Andthey saiduntoher, Thou art mad. Butshe constantly affirmedthat it waseven so. Thensaid they, It ishisangel.16 ButPetercontinuedknocking: andwhen they had openedthe door, and sawhim, they were astonished.17 Buthe, beckoningunto themwith the handto hold their peace, declaredunto themhowthe Lordhad broughthimout ofthe prison. Andhe said, Go shewthese thingsunto James, andto the brethren. Andhe departed, and wentintoanotherplace.18 Nowas soon as it wasday, there wasnosmallstiramongthe soldiers, whatwas becomeof Peter.19 Andwhen Herodhad soughtfor him, andfound himnot, he examinedthe keepers, and commanded thattheyshould be put to death. Andhe went downfromJudæatoCæsarea, andthereabode.
20 AndHerodwashighly displeasedwith them of TyreandSidon: butthey camewith one accordtohim, and, having madeBlastusthe king'schamberlaintheir friend, desiredpeace; becausetheircountrywas nourishedbythe king'scountry.21 Andupon a setdayHerod, arrayed inroyalapparel, satuponhis throne, and made an orationuntothem.22 Andthe peoplegave a shout, saying, It isthe voiceof a god, andnotof a man.23 Andimmediatelythe angelof the Lordsmotehim, becausehe gavenotGodthe glory: andhe waseaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
24 Butthe wordof Godgrewandmultiplied.25 AndBarnabasandSaulreturnedfromJerusalem, when they had fulfilledtheirministry, andtook with themJohn, whose surname wasMark.