1 Andthe apostlesandbrethrenthatwereinJudæaheardthatthe Gentileshadalsoreceivedthe wordof God.2 AndwhenPeterwas come uptoJerusalem, they that wereofthe circumcisioncontendedwithhim,3 Saying, Thou wentest intomenuncircumcised, anddidst eat withthem.4 ButPeterrehearsedthe matterfrom the beginning, and expoundeditby orderunto them, saying,5 Iwasinthe cityof Joppapraying: andina tranceI sawa vision, A certainvesseldescend, as it had beena greatsheet, let downfromheavenby fourcorners; andit cameeven tome:6 Uponthe whichwhen I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, andsawfourfooted beastsof the earth, andwild beasts, andcreeping things, andfowlsof the air.7 AndI hearda voicesayingunto me, Arise, Peter; slayandeat.8 ButI said, Not so, Lord: fornothingcommonoruncleanhath at any timeenteredintomymouth.9 Butthe voiceansweredmeagainfromheaven, WhatGodhath cleansed, thatcallnotthoucommon.10 Andthiswas donethree times: andallwere drawn upagainintoheaven.11 And, behold, immediatelythere were threemenalready comeuntothe housewhereI was, sentfromCæsareauntome.12 Andthe Spiritbademego withthem, nothingdoubting. Moreoverthesesixbrethrenaccompaniedme, andwe enteredintothe man'shouse:13 Andhe shewedushowhe had seenan angelinhishouse, which stoodandsaidunto him, SendmentoJoppa, andcall forSimon, whose surname isPeter;14 Whoshall telltheewords, wherebythouandallthyhouseshall be saved.15 AndasIbeganto speak, the HolyGhostfellonthem, asonusatthe beginning.16 Thenremembered Ithe wordof the Lord, how thathe said, Johnindeedbaptizedwith water; butyeshall be baptizedwiththe HolyGhost.17 ForasmuchthenasGodgavethemthe likegiftashe didunto us, who believedonthe LordJesusChrist; whatwasI, that I couldwithstandGod?18 Whenthey heardthese things, they held their peace, andglorifiedGod, saying, ThenhathGodalsoto the Gentilesgrantedrepentanceuntolife.
19 Nowtheywhich were scattered abroaduponthe persecutionthat aroseaboutStephentravelledas far asPhenice, andCyprus, andAntioch, preachingthe wordto nonebutunto the Jewsonly.20 Andsomeofthemweremenof CyprusandCyrene, which, when they were cometoAntioch, spakeuntothe Grecians, preachingthe LordJesus.21 Andthe handof the Lordwaswiththem: anda greatnumberbelieved, and turneduntothe Lord.
22 Thentidingsofthese thingscameuntothe earsof the churchwhich wasinJerusalem: andthey sent forthBarnabas, that he should goas far asAntioch.23 Who, when he came, andhad seenthe graceof God, was glad, andexhortedthem all, that with purposeof heartthey would cleaveunto the Lord.24 Forhe wasa goodman, andfullof the HolyGhostandof faith: andmuchpeoplewas addedunto the Lord.25 ThendepartedBarnabastoTarsus, for to seekSaul:26 Andwhen he had foundhim, he broughthimuntoAntioch. Andit came to pass, thata wholeyearthey assembledthemselveswiththe church, andtaughtmuchpeople. Andthe discipleswere calledChristiansfirstinAntioch.
27 AndinthesedayscameprophetsfromJerusalemuntoAntioch.28 Andthere stood uponeofthemnamedAgabus, and signifiedbythe Spiritthat there shouldbegreatdearththroughoutallthe world: whichcame to passinthe days of ClaudiusCæsar.29 Thenthe disciples, everymanaccording tohisability, determinedto sendreliefuntothe brethrenwhichdweltinJudæa:30 Whichalsothey did, and sent ittothe eldersbythe handsof BarnabasandSaul.