Job 10

Job 11 (WEB)

Job 12


Then Zophar, the Naamathite, answered, “Shouldn’t the multitude of words be answered? Should your boastings make men hold their peace? For you say, ‘My doctrine is pure. But oh that God would speak, that he would show you the secrets of wisdom! “Can you fathom the mystery of God? They are high as heaven. What can you do? Its measure is longer than the earth, 10 If he passes by, or confines, 11 For he knows false men. 12 An empty-headed man becomes wise 13 “If you set your heart aright, 14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away. 15 Surely then you shall lift up your face without spot; 16 for you shall forget your misery. 17 Life shall be clearer than the noonday. 18 You shall be secure, because there is hope. 19 Also you shall lie down, and no one shall make you afraid. 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail.