Hosea 3

Hosea 4 (WEB)

Hosea 5


Hear the word of Yahweh, you children of Israel; There is cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; Therefore the land will mourn, “Yet let no man bring a charge, neither let any man accuse; For your people are like those who bring charges against a priest. You will stumble in the day, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. As they were multiplied, so they sinned against me. They feed on the sin of my people, It will be, like people, like priest; 10 They will eat, and not have enough. 11 Prostitution, wine, and new wine take away understanding. 12 My people consult with their wooden idol, 13 They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains, 14 I will not punish your daughters when they play the prostitute, 15 “Though you, Israel, play the prostitute, 16 For Israel has behaved extremely stubbornly, like a stubborn heifer. 17 Ephraim is joined to idols. 18 Their drink has become sour. 19 The wind has wrapped her up in its wings;