Ecclesiastes 9

Ecclesiastes 10 (WEB)

Ecclesiastes 11


Dead flies cause the oil of the perfumer to produce an evil odor; A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, Yes also, when the fool walks by the way, his understanding fails him, and he says to everyone that he is a fool. If the spirit of the ruler rises up against you, don’t leave your place; for gentleness lays great offenses to rest.

There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, the sort of error which proceeds from the ruler. Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in a low place. I have seen servants on horses, and princes walking like servants on the earth. He who digs a pit may fall into it; and whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake. Whoever carves out stones may be injured by them. Whoever splits wood may be endangered thereby. 10 If the ax is blunt, and one doesn’t sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; but skill brings success.

11 If the snake bites before it is charmed, then is there no profit for the charmer’s tongue. 12 The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but a fool is swallowed by his own lips. 13 The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is mischievous madness. 14 A fool also multiplies words.

15 The labor of fools wearies every one of them; for he doesn’t know how to go to the city. 16 Woe to you, land, when your king is a child, 17 Happy are you, land, when your king is the son of nobles, 18 By slothfulness the roof sinks in; 19 A feast is made for laughter, 20 Don’t curse the king, no, not in your thoughts;