2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 22 (WEB)

2 Samuel 23


David spoke to Yahweh the words of this song in the day that Yahweh delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul: and he said, God, my rock, in him I will take refuge; I will call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised: For the waves of death surrounded me. The cords of Sheol+Sheol is the place of the dead. were around me. In my distress I called on Yahweh. Then the earth shook and trembled. Smoke went up out of his nostrils. 10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down. 11 He rode on a cherub, and flew. 12 He made darkness pavilions around himself: 13 At the brightness before him, 14 Yahweh thundered from heaven. 15 He sent out arrows, and scattered them; 16 Then the channels of the sea appeared. 17 He sent from on high and he took me. 18 He delivered me from my strong enemy, 19 They came on me in the day of my calamity, 20 He also brought me out into a large place. 21 Yahweh rewarded me according to my righteousness. 22 For I have kept the ways of Yahweh, 23 For all his ordinances were before me. 24 I was also perfect toward him. 25 Therefore Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness, 26 With the merciful you will show yourself merciful. 27 With the pure you will show yourself pure. 28 You will save the afflicted people, 29 For you are my lamp, Yahweh. 30 For by you, I run against a troop. 31 As for God, his way is perfect. 32 For who is God, besides Yahweh? 33 God is my strong fortress. 34 He makes his feet like hinds’ feet, 35 He teaches my hands to war, 36 You have also given me the shield of your salvation. 37 You have enlarged my steps under me. 38 I have pursued my enemies and destroyed them. 39 I have consumed them, 40 For you have armed me with strength for the battle. 41 You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me, 42 They looked, but there was no one to save; 43 Then I beat them as small as the dust of the earth. 44 You also have delivered me from the strivings of my people. 45 The foreigners will submit themselves to me. 46 The foreigners will fade away, 47 Yahweh lives! 48 even the God who executes vengeance for me, 49 who brings me away from my enemies. 50 Therefore I will give thanks to you, Yahweh, among the nations, 51 He gives great deliverance to his king,