1 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 fSee ch. 2:1 “Son of man,gSee ch. 6:2 set your facehch. 25:12; Isa. 21:11, 12; Amos 1:11; Mal. 1:4 againstich. 25:8; Gen. 32:3 Mount Seir, and prophesy against it, 3 and say to it, Thus says the Lord God :jSee ch. 13:8 Behold, I am against you, Mount Seir, andkSee ch. 6:14 I will stretch out my hand against you,l[ch. 33:28] and I will make you a desolation and a waste. 4 m[Isa. 17:9; 27:10] I will lay your cities waste, and you shall become a desolation, and you shall know that I am the Lord. 5 Becausen[Ps. 137:7; Amos 1:11] you cherished perpetual enmity and gave over the people of Israel to the power of the swordoObad. 13 at the time of their calamity,pch. 21:25 at the time of their final punishment, 6 therefore,qSee ch. 16:48 as I live, declares the Lord God, I will prepare you for blood, and blood shall pursue you;rSee Gen. 9:6 because you did not hate bloodshed, therefore blood shall pursue you. 7 l[See ver. 3 above] I will make Mount Seir a wastem[See ver. 4 above] and a desolation, and I will cut off from itsch. 29:11 all who come and go. 8 And I will fillt[ch. 31:12] its mountains with the slain. On your hills and in your valleys and in allt[ch. 31:12] your ravinesuch. 31:17, 18; 32:20, 21 those slain with the sword shall fall. 9 l[See ver. 3 above] I will make you a perpetual desolation, andm[See ver. 4 above] your cities shall not be inhabited. ThenvSee ch. 6:7 you will know that I am the Lord.
10 Because you said,w[ch. 37:22] ‘These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, andx[ch. 36:2, 3, 5; Ps. 83:6, 12] we will take possession of them ’ —although theySee ch. 48:35 Lord was there— 11 therefore,q[See ver. 6 above] as I live, declares the Lord God, I will deal with youz[ver. 15; Matt. 7:2] according to the anger andz[ver. 15; Matt. 7:2] envy that you showed because of your hatred against them. Anda[ver. 9] I will make myself known among them, when I judge you. 12 And you shall know that I am the Lord.b[2 Kgs. 19:4, 28] I have heard all the revilings that you uttered against the mountains of Israel, saying, ‘They are laid desolate;c[ver. 10] they are given us to devour. ’ 13 Andb[See ver. 12 above] you magnified yourselves against med[1 Sam. 2:3] with your mouth, and multiplied your words against me; I heard it. 14 Thus says the Lord God :e[Isa. 65:13, 14] While the whole earth rejoices, I will make you desolate. 15 As youfch. 36:5; Ps. 137:7 rejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so I will deal with you; you shall be desolate,gver. 2 Mount Seir, and all Edom, all of it. ThenhSee ch. 6:7 they will know that I am the Lord.