1 And it came to pass after this, that Davidenquiredof the Lord, saying, Shall I go upinto anyof the citiesof Judah? And the Lordsaidunto him, Go up. And Davidsaid, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron.2 So Davidwent upthither, and his twowivesalso, Ahinoamthe Jezreelitess, and AbigailNabal'swifethe Carmelite.3 And his men that werewith him did Davidbring up, every manwith his household: and they dweltin the citiesof Hebron.4 And the menof Judahcame, and there they anointedDavidkingover the houseof Judah. And they toldDavid, saying, Thatthe menof Jabesh–gileadwere theythat buriedSaul.
5 And Davidsentmessengersunto the menof Jabesh–gilead, and saidunto them, Blessedbeye of the Lord, that ye have shewedthis kindnessunto your lord, evenunto Saul, and have buried him.6 And now the Lordshewkindnessand truthunto you: and I also will requiteyou this kindness, because ye have donethis thing.7 Therefore now let your handsbe strengthened, and be ye valiant: for your masterSaulis dead, and also the houseof Judahhave anointedme king over them.nbe ye…: Heb. be ye the sons of valour
8 But Abnerthe sonof Ner, captainof Saul'shost, tookIsh–bosheththe sonof Saul, and brought him overto Mahanaim;nSaul's host: Heb. the host which was Saul'snIsh–bosheth: or, Esh–baal9 And made him kingover Gilead, and over the Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all Israel.10 Ish–boshethSaul'ssonwasfortyyearsoldwhen he began to reignover Israel, and reignedtwoyears. But the houseof JudahfollowedDavid.11 And the timethat Davidwas kingin Hebronover the houseof Judahwas sevenyearsand sixmonths.ntime: Heb. number of days
12 And Abnerthe sonof Ner, and the servantsof Ish–bosheththe sonof Saul, went outfrom Mahanaimto Gibeon.13 And Joabthe sonof Zeruiah, and the servantsof David, went out, and mettogetherby the poolof Gibeon: and they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of the pool.ntogether: Heb. them together14 And Abnersaidto Joab, Let the young mennow arise, and playbeforeus. And Joabsaid, Let them arise.15 Then there aroseand went overby numbertwelveof Benjamin, which pertainedto Ish–bosheththe sonof Saul, and twelveof the servantsof David.16 And they caughtevery onehis fellowby the head, and thrusthis swordin his fellow'sside; so they fell downtogether: wherefore that placewas calledHelkath–hazzurim, which isin Gibeon.nHelkath–hazzurim: that is, The field of strong men17 And there was a verysorebattlethat day; and Abnerwas beaten, and the menof Israel, beforethe servantsof David.
18 And there were threesonsof Zeruiahthere, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel: and Asahelwas aslightof footas awildroe.nof foot: Heb. of his feetnas a wild…: Heb. as one of the roes that is in the field19 And AsahelpursuedafterAbner; and in goinghe turnednot to the right handnor to the leftfrom followingAbner.nfrom…: Heb. from after Abner20 Then Abnerlookedbehindhim, and said, Artthou Asahel? And he answered, I am.21 And Abnersaidto him, Turn thee asideto thy right handor to thy left, and lay thee holdon oneof the young men, and takethee his armour. But Asahelwouldnot turn asidefrom following of him.narmour: or, spoil22 And Abnersaidagainto Asahel, Turn thee asidefrom followingme: wherefore should I smitethee to the ground? how then should I hold upmy faceto Joabthy brother?23 Howbeit he refusedto turn aside: wherefore Abnerwith the hinder endof the spearsmotehim underthe fifthrib, that the spearcame outbehindhim; and he fell downthere, and diedin the same place: and it came to pass, thatas many as cameto the placewhere Asahelfell downand diedstood still.24 Joabalso and AbishaipursuedafterAbner: and the sunwent downwhen they were cometo the hillof Ammah, that liethbeforeGiahby the wayof the wildernessof Gibeon.
25 And the childrenof Benjamingathered themselves togetherafterAbner, and became onetroop, and stoodon the topof an hill.26 Then Abnercalledto Joab, and said, Shall the sworddevourfor ever? knowestthou not that it will be bitternessin the latter end? how long shall it be then, ere thou bidthe peoplereturnfrom followingtheir brethren?27 And Joabsaid, AsGodliveth, unlessthou hadst spoken, surely then in the morningthe peoplehad gone upevery onefrom followinghis brother.nin the…: Heb. from the morningngone…: or, gone away28 So Joabblewa trumpet, and all the peoplestood still, and pursuedafterIsraelno more, neither foughtthey any more.29 And Abnerand his menwalkedall that nightthrough the plain, and passed overJordan, and went throughall Bithron, and they cameto Mahanaim.30 And Joabreturnedfrom followingAbner: and when he had gatheredall the peopletogether, there lackedof David'sservantsnineteenmenand Asahel.31 But the servantsof Davidhad smittenof Benjamin, and of Abner'smen, so thatthreehundredand threescoremendied.
32 And they took upAsahel, and buriedhim in the sepulchreof his father, which was inBeth–lehem. And Joaband his menwentall night, and they came to Hebronat break of day.