1 And the Lordsaidunto Samuel, How long wilt thou mournfor Saul, seeing I have rejectedhim from reigningover Israel? fillthine hornwith oil, and go, I will sendthee to Jessethe Beth–lehemite: for I have providedme a kingamong his sons.2 And Samuelsaid, How can I go? if Saulhearit, he will killme. And the Lordsaid, Takean heiferwith thee, and say, I am cometo sacrificeto the Lord.nwith thee: Heb. in thine hand3 And callJesseto the sacrifice, and I will shewthee what thou shalt do: and thou shalt anoint unto me himwhom I name unto thee.4 And Samueldidthat which the Lordspake, and cameto Beth–lehem. And the eldersof the towntrembledat his coming, and said, Comestthou peaceably?ncoming: Heb. meeting5 And he said, Peaceably: I am cometo sacrificeunto the Lord: sanctifyyourselves, and comewith me to the sacrifice. And he sanctifiedJesseand his sons, and calledthem to the sacrifice.
6 And it came to pass, when they were come, that he lookedon Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord'sanointedis before him.nEliab: called Elihu7 But the Lordsaidunto Samuel, Looknot on his countenance, or on the heightof his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seethnot as manseeth; for manlookethon the outward appearance, but the Lordlookethon the heart.noutward…: Heb. eyes8 Then JessecalledAbinadab, and made him passbeforeSamuel. And he said, Neither hath the Lordchosen this.9 Then Jessemade Shammahto pass by. And he said, Neither hath the Lordchosen this.nShammah: Shimeah, also called, Shimma10 Again, Jessemade sevenof his sonsto passbeforeSamuel. And Samuelsaidunto Jesse, The Lordhath not chosen these.11 And Samuelsaidunto Jesse, Are here allthychildren? And he said, There remainethyet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeththe sheep. And Samuelsaidunto Jesse, Sendand fetchhim: for we will not sit downtill he comehither.ndown: Heb. round12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he wasruddy, andwithalof a beautifulcountenance, and goodlyto look to. And the Lordsaid, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.nof a…: Heb. fair of eyes13 Then Samueltookthe hornof oil, and anointedhim in the midstof his brethren: and the Spiritof the Lordcameupon Davidfrom that dayforward. So Samuelrose up, and wentto Ramah.
14 But the Spiritof the Lorddepartedfrom Saul, and an evilspiritfrom the Lordtroubled him.ntroubled: or, terrified15 And Saul'sservantssaidunto him, Behold now, an evilspiritfrom Godtroubleth thee.16 Let our lordnow commandthy servants, which arebeforethee, to seek outa man, who isa cunningplayeron an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evilspiritfrom Godis upon thee, that he shall playwith his hand, and thou shalt be well.17 And Saulsaidunto his servants, Provideme now a manthat can playwell, and bringhim to me.18 Then answeredoneof the servants, and said, Behold, I have seena sonof Jessethe Beth–lehemite, that iscunningin playing, and a mightyvaliant man, and a manof war, and prudentin matters, and a comelyperson, and the Lordis with him.nmatters: or, speech
19 Wherefore Saulsentmessengersunto Jesse, and said, Sendme Davidthy son, which iswith the sheep.20 And Jessetookan assladenwith bread, and a bottleof wine, and akid, and sentthembyDavidhis sonunto Saul.21 And Davidcameto Saul, and stoodbeforehim: and he lovedhim greatly; and he became his armourbearer.22 And Saulsentto Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, standbeforeme; for he hath foundfavourin my sight.23 And it came to pass, when the evilspiritfrom Godwas upon Saul, that Davidtookan harp, and playedwith his hand: so Saulwas refreshed, and was well, and the evilspiritdeparted from him.