1 Andunto the angelof the churchinSardiswrite; These thingssaithhe that haththesevenSpiritsof God, andthesevenstars; I knowthyworks, thatthou hasta namethatthou livest, andartdead.2 Bewatchful, andstrengthenthe things which remain, thatare ready todie: forI havenotfoundthyworksperfectbeforeGod.3 Rememberthereforehowthou hast receivedandheard, andhold fast, andrepent. Ifthereforethou shaltnotwatch, I will comeontheeasa thief, and thou shalt notknowwhathourI will comeuponthee.4 Thou hasta fewnameseveninSardiswhichhavenotdefiledtheirgarments; andthey shall walkwithmeinwhite: forthey areworthy.5 He that overcometh, the sameshall be clothedinwhiteraiment; andI willnotblot outhisnameout ofthe bookof life, butI will confesshisnamebeforemyFather, andbeforehisangels.6 He that hathan ear, let him hearwhatthe Spiritsaithunto the churches.7 Andto the angelof the churchinPhiladelphiawrite; These thingssaithhe that is holy, he that is true, he that haththe keyof David, he that openeth, andno manshutteth; andshutteth, andno manopeneth;8 I knowthyworks: behold, I have setbeforetheeanopendoor, andno mancanshutit: forthou hasta littlestrength, andhast keptmyword, andhastnotdeniedmyname.9 Behold, I will makethemofthe synagogueof Satan, which saytheyareJews, andarenot, butdo lie; behold, I will makethemtocomeandworshipbeforethyfeet, and to knowthatIhave lovedthee.10 Becausethou hast keptthe wordofmypatience, I alsowill keeptheefromthe hourof temptation, which shallcomeuponallthe world, to trythem that dwelluponthe earth.11 Behold, I comequickly: holdthatfastwhichthou hast, thatno mantakethycrown.12 Himthat overcomethwill I makea pillarinthe templeofmyGod, andhe shall gonomoreout: andI will writeuponhimthe nameofmyGod, andthe nameof the cityofmyGod, which isnewJerusalem, whichcometh downout ofheavenfrommyGod: andI will write upon himmynewname.13 He that hathan ear, let him hearwhatthe Spiritsaithunto the churches.14 Andunto the angelof the churchof the Laodiceanswrite; These thingssaiththe Amen, thefaithfulandtruewitness, the beginningof the creationof God;15 I knowthyworks, thatthou artneithercoldnorhot: I wouldthou wertcoldorhot.16 So thenbecausethou artlukewarm, andneithercoldnorhot, I willspuetheeout ofmymouth.17 Becausethou sayest, I amrich, andincreased with goods, andhaveneedof nothing; andknowestnotthatthouartwretched, andmiserable, andpoor, andblind, andnaked:18 I counseltheeto buyofmegoldtriedinthe fire, thatthou mayest be rich; andwhiteraiment, thatthou mayest be clothed, andthatthe shameofthynakednessdo notappear; andanointthineeyeswith eyesalve, thatthou mayest see.19 As many asIlove, Irebukeandchasten: be zealoustherefore, andrepent.20 Behold, I standatthe door, andknock: ifany manhearmyvoice, andopenthe door, I will come intohim, andwill supwithhim, andhewithme.21 To himthat overcomethwill I grantto sitwithmeinmythrone, even asI alsoovercame, andam set downwithmyFatherinhisthrone.22 He that hathan ear, let him hearwhatthe Spiritsaithunto the churches.