1 The Revelationof JesusChrist, whichGodgaveunto him, to shewuntohisservantsthings whichmustshortlycome to pass; andhesent andsignifieditbyhisangeluntohisservantJohn:2 Whobare recordof the wordof God, andof the testimonyof JesusChrist, andof all things thathe saw.3 Blessedishe that readeth, andthey that hearthe wordsof this prophecy, andkeepthose things which are writtentherein: forthe timeisat hand.4 Johnto thesevenchurcheswhich are inAsia: Gracebeunto you, andpeace, fromhim which is, andwhich was, andwhich is to come; andfromthesevenSpiritswhicharebeforehisthrone;5 AndfromJesusChrist, who isthefaithfulwitness, andthe first begottenofthe dead, andthe princeof the kingsof the earth. Unto him that lovedus, andwashedusfromoursinsinhis ownblood,6 Andhath madeuskingsandpriestsunto GodandhisFather; to himbegloryanddominionforeverand ever. Amen.7 Behold, he comethwithclouds; andeveryeyeshall seehim, andtheyalsowhichpiercedhim: andallkindredsof the earthshall wailbecause ofhim. Even so, Amen.8 IamAlphaandOmega, the beginningandthe ending,saiththe Lord, which is, andwhich was, andwhich is to come, the Almighty.9 IJohn, who also am yourbrother, andcompanionintribulation, andinthe kingdomandpatienceof JesusChrist, wasinthe islethat is calledPatmos, forthe wordof God, andforthe testimonyof JesusChrist.10 I wasinthe SpiritontheLord'sday, andheardbehindmeagreatvoice, asof a trumpet,11 Saying, IamAlphaandOmega, the firstandthe last:and, Whatthou seest, writeina book, andsenditunto thesevenchurcheswhich areinAsia; untoEphesus, anduntoSmyrna, anduntoPergamos, anduntoThyatira, anduntoSardis, anduntoPhiladelphia, anduntoLaodicea.12 AndI turnedto seethe voicethatspakewithme. Andbeing turned, I sawseven golden candlesticks;13 Andinthe midstof thesevencandlesticksonelikeunto the Sonof man, clothedwith a garment down to the foot, andgirtaboutthe papswith agoldengirdle.14 Hisheadandhishairswerewhitelikewool, aswhiteas snow; andhiseyeswereasa flameof fire;15 Andhisfeetlikeunto fine brass, as ifthey burnedina furnace; andhisvoiceasthe soundofmanywaters.16 Andhe hadinhisright handsevenstars: andoutofhismouthwentasharptwoedgedsword: andhiscountenancewasasthe sunshinethinhisstrength.17 AndwhenI sawhim, I fellathisfeetasdead. Andhe laidhisrighthanduponme, sayingunto me, Fearnot; Iamthe firstandthe last:18 I amhe that liveth, andwasdead; and, behold, I amaliveforevermore, Amen; andhavethe keysof hellandof death.19 Writethe things whichthou hast seen, andthe things whichare, andthe things whichshallbehereafter;20 The mysteryof thesevenstarswhichthou sawestinmyright hand, andthesevengoldencandlesticks. The sevenstarsarethe angelsof thesevenchurches: andthesevencandlestickswhichthou sawestarethesevenchurches.