1 Know ye not, brethren, (for I speakto them that knowthe law,) how thatthe lawhath dominion overa manaslongashe liveth?2 Forthe womanwhich hath an husbandis boundby the lawtoherhusbandso long as he liveth; butifthe husbandbe dead, she is loosedfromthe lawofherhusband.3 Sothenif, whileherhusbandliveth, she be marriedtoanotherman, she shall be calledan adulteress: butifher husbandbe dead, she isfreefrom that law; so thatsheisnoadulteress, though she be marriedtoanotherman.4 Wherefore, mybrethren, yealsoare become deadto the lawbythe bodyof Christ; thatyeshould be marriedto another, evento him who is raisedfromthe dead, thatwe should bring forth fruitunto God.5 Forwhenwe wereinthe flesh, the motionsof sins, which werebythe law, did workinourmemberstobring forth fruitunto death.6 Butnowwe are deliveredfromthe law, that being deadwhereinwe were held; thatweshould serveinnewnessof spirit, andnotinthe oldnessof the letter.7 Whatshall we saythen? Isthe lawsin? God forbid. Nay, I hadnotknownsin, butbythe law: forI hadnotknownlust, exceptthe lawhad said, Thou shaltnotcovet.8 Butsin, takingoccasionbythe commandment, wroughtinmeall manner ofconcupiscence. Forwithoutthe lawsinwasdead.9 ForIwas alivewithoutthe lawonce: butwhenthe commandmentcame, sinrevived, andIdied.10 Andthe commandment, whichwas ordainedtolife, Ifoundto beuntodeath.11 Forsin, takingoccasionbythe commandment, deceivedme, andbyitslewme. 12 Whereforethe lawisholy, andthe commandmentholy, andjust, andgood.13 Wasthenthat which is goodmadedeathunto me? God forbid. Butsin, thatit might appearsin, workingdeathin mebythat which is good; thatsinbythe commandmentmight becomeexceedingsinful.14 Forwe knowthatthe lawisspiritual: butIamcarnal, soldundersin.15 Forthat whichI doI allownot: forwhatI would, thatdo Inot; butwhatI hate, thatdo I.16 IfthenI dothat whichI wouldnot, I consent untothe lawthatit isgood.17 Nowthenit is no moreIthatdoit, butsinthat dwellethinme.18 ForI knowthatinme (thatis, inmyflesh,) dwellethnogood thing: forto willis presentwith me; buthowto performthat which is goodI findnot.19 Forthe goodthatI wouldI donot: butthe evilwhichI wouldnot, thatI do.20 NowifI dothatIwouldnot, it is no moreIthatdoit, butsinthat dwellethinme.21 I findthena law, that, whenIwoulddogood, evilis presentwith me.22 ForI delightin the lawof Godaftertheinwardman:23 ButI seeanotherlawinmymembers, warring againstthe lawofmymind, andbringingmeinto captivityto the lawof sinwhich isinmymembers.24 Owretchedmanthat I am! whoshall delivermefromthe bodyofthisdeath?25 I thankGodthroughJesusChristourLord. Sothenwith the mindImyselfservethe lawof God; butwith the fleshthe lawof sin.