1 Then the peopleof the landtookJehoahazthe sonof Josiah, and made him kingin his father'sstead in Jerusalem.2 Jehoahazwastwentyand threeyearsoldwhen he began to reign, and he reignedthreemonthsin Jerusalem.3 And the kingof Egyptput him downat Jerusalem, and condemnedthe landin an hundredtalentsof silverand a talentof gold.nput…: Heb. removed him4 And the kingof Egyptmade Eliakimhis brotherkingover Judahand Jerusalem, and turnedhis nameto Jehoiakim. And NechotookJehoahazhis brother, and carriedhim to Egypt.
5 Jehoiakimwastwentyand fiveyearsoldwhen he began to reign, and he reignedelevenyearsin Jerusalem: and he didthat which wasevilin the sightof the Lordhis God.6 Against him came upNebuchadnezzarkingof Babylon, and boundhim in fetters, to carryhim to Babylon.nfetters: or, chains7 Nebuchadnezzaralso carriedof the vesselsof the houseof the Lordto Babylon, and putthem in his templeat Babylon.8 Now the restof the actsof Jehoiakim, and his abominationswhich he did, and that which was found in him, behold, they arewrittenin the bookof the kingsof Israeland Judah: and Jehoiachinhis sonreigned in his stead.nJehoiachin: also called, Jeconiah, or, Coniah
9 Jehoiachinwaseightyearsoldwhen he began to reign, and he reignedthreemonthsand tendaysin Jerusalem: and he didthat which wasevilin the sightof the Lord.10 And when the yearwas expired, kingNebuchadnezzarsent, and broughthim to Babylon, with the goodlyvesselsof the houseof the Lord, and made Zedekiahhis brotherkingover Judahand Jerusalem.nwhen…: Heb. at the return of the yearngoodly…: Heb. vessels of desirenZedekiah…: or, Mattaniah, his father's brother
11 Zedekiahwasoneand twentyyearsoldwhen he began to reign, and reignedelevenyearsin Jerusalem.12 And he didthat which wasevilin the sightof the Lordhis God, andhumblednot himself beforeJeremiahthe prophetspeakingfrom the mouthof the Lord.13 And he also rebelledagainst kingNebuchadnezzar, who had made him swearby God: but he stiffenedhis neck, and hardenedhis heartfrom turningunto the LordGodof Israel.
14 Moreover all the chiefof the priests, and the people, transgressedverymuchafter all the abominationsof the heathen; and pollutedthe houseof the Lordwhich he had hallowedin Jerusalem.15 And the LordGodof their fatherssentto them byhis messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassionon his people, and on his dwelling place:nby: Heb. by the hand ofnbetimes: that is, continually and carefully16 But they mockedthe messengersof God, and despisedhis words, and misusedhis prophets, until the wrathof the Lordaroseagainst his people, till there wasno remedy.nremedy: Heb. healing17 Therefore he broughtupon them the kingof the Chaldees, who slewtheir young menwith the swordin the houseof their sanctuary, and had no compassionupon young manor maiden, old man, or him that stooped for age: he gavethemall into his hand.18 And all the vesselsof the houseof God, greatand small, and the treasuresof the houseof the Lord, and the treasuresof the king, and of his princes; all thesehe broughtto Babylon.19 And they burntthe houseof God, and brake downthe wallof Jerusalem, and burntall the palacesthereof with fire, and destroyedall the goodlyvessels thereof.20 And them that had escapedfrom the swordcarried he awayto Babylon; where they were servantsto him and his sonsuntil the reignof the kingdomof Persia:nthem…: Heb. the remainder from the sword21 To fulfilthe wordof the Lordby the mouthof Jeremiah, until the landhad enjoyedher sabbaths: foras long asshe lay desolateshe kept sabbath, to fulfilthreescore and tenyears.
22 Now in the firstyearof Cyruskingof Persia, that the wordof the Lordspokenby the mouthof Jeremiahmight be accomplished, the Lordstirred upthe spiritof Cyruskingof Persia, that he made a proclamationthroughout all his kingdom, and put italso in writing, saying,23 Thus saithCyruskingof Persia, All the kingdomsof the earthhath the LordGodof heavengivenme; and he hath chargedme to buildhim an housein Jerusalem, which isin Judah. Who is thereamong you of all his people? The Lordhis Godbewith him, and let him go up.