1 And the inhabitantsof JerusalemmadeAhaziahhis youngestsonkingin his stead: for the band of menthat camewith the Arabiansto the camphad slainall the eldest. So Ahaziahthe sonof Jehoramkingof Judahreigned.2 Fortyand twoyearsoldwasAhaziahwhen he began to reign, and he reignedoneyearin Jerusalem. His mother'sname also wasAthaliahthe daughterof Omri.3 He also walkedin the waysof the houseof Ahab: for his motherwas his counsellorto do wickedly.4 Wherefore he didevilin the sightof the Lordlike the houseof Ahab: for they were his counsellorsafterthe deathof his fatherto his destruction.
5 He walkedalso after their counsel, and wentwith Jehoramthe sonof Ahabkingof Israelto waragainst Hazaelkingof Syriaat Ramoth–gilead: and the SyrianssmoteJoram.6 And he returnedto be healedin Jezreelbecause of the woundswhich were givenhim at Ramah, when he foughtwith Hazaelkingof Syria. And Azariahthe sonof Jehoramkingof Judahwent downto seeJehoramthe sonof Ahabat Jezreel, because he was sick.nwhich…: Heb. wherewith they wounded himnAzariah: also called, Ahaziah, or, Jehoahaz7 And the destructionof Ahaziahwas of Godby comingto Joram: for when he was come, he went outwith Jehoramagainst Jehuthe sonof Nimshi, whom the Lordhad anointedto cut offthe houseof Ahab.ndestruction: Heb. treading down8 And it came to pass, that, when Jehuwas executing judgmentupon the houseof Ahab, and foundthe princesof Judah, and the sonsof the brethrenof Ahaziah, that ministeredto Ahaziah, he slew them.9 And he soughtAhaziah: and they caughthim, (for he was hidin Samaria,) and broughthim to Jehu: and when they had slainhim, they buriedhim: Because, said they, he isthe sonof Jehoshaphat, who soughtthe Lordwith all his heart. So the houseof Ahaziahhad no powerto keepstill the kingdom.
10 But when Athaliahthe motherof Ahaziahsawthat her sonwas dead, she aroseand destroyedall the seedroyalof the houseof Judah.11 But Jehoshabeath, the daughterof the king, tookJoashthe sonof Ahaziah, and stolehim from amongthe king'ssonsthat were slain, and puthim and his nursein a bedchamber. So Jehoshabeath, the daughterof kingJehoram, the wifeof Jehoiadathe priest, (for she was the sisterof Ahaziah,) hidhim fromAthaliah, so that she slew him not.nJehoshabeath: also called, Jehosheba12 And he was with them hidin the houseof Godsixyears: and Athaliahreignedover the land.