1 Bow downthine ear, O Lord, hear me: for I ampoorand needy.nA Prayer…: or, A Prayer, being a Psalm of David2 Preservemy soul; for I amholy: O thou my God, savethy servantthat trusteth in thee.nholy: or, one whom thou favourest3 Be mercifulunto me, O Lord: for I cryunto thee daily.ndaily: or, all the day4 Rejoicethe soulof thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift upmy soul.5 For thou, Lord, artgood, and ready to forgive; and plenteousin mercyunto all them that call upon thee.6 Give ear, O Lord, unto my prayer; and attendto the voiceof my supplications.7 In the dayof my troubleI will callupon thee: for thou wilt answer me.8 Among the godsthere isnone like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any workslike unto thy works.9 All nationswhom thou hast madeshall comeand worshipbeforethee, O Lord; and shall glorifythy name.10 For thou artgreat, and doestwondrous things: thou artGod alone.11 Teachme thy way, O Lord; I will walkin thy truth: unitemy heartto fearthy name.12 I will praisethee, O Lordmy God, with all my heart: and I will glorifythy namefor evermore.13 For greatisthy mercytoward me: and thou hast deliveredmy soulfrom the lowesthell.nhell: or, grave14 O God, the proudare risenagainst me, and the assembliesof violentmenhave soughtafter my soul; and have not set thee before them.nviolent: Heb. terrible15 But thou, O Lord, arta Godfull of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteousin mercyand truth.16 O turnunto me, and have mercyupon me; givethy strengthunto thy servant, and savethe sonof thine handmaid.17 Shewme a tokenfor good; that they which hateme may seeit, and be ashamed: because thou, Lord, hast holpenme, and comforted me.