1 Givethe kingthy judgments, O God, and thy righteousnessunto the king'sson.nfor: or, of2 He shall judgethy peoplewith righteousness, and thy poorwith judgment.3 The mountainsshall bringpeaceto the people, and the little hills, by righteousness.4 He shall judgethe poorof the people, he shall savethe childrenof the needy, and shall break in piecesthe oppressor.5 They shall fearthee as long asthe sunand moonendure, throughout allgenerations.6 He shall come downlike rainupon the mowngrass: as showersthatwaterthe earth.7 In his daysshall the righteousflourish; and abundanceof peaceso long as the moon endureth.nso long…: Heb. till there be no moon8 He shall have dominionalso from seato sea, and from the riverunto the endsof the earth.9 They that dwell in the wildernessshall bowbeforehim; and his enemiesshall lickthe dust.10 The kingsof Tarshishand of the islesshall bringpresents: the kingsof Shebaand Sebashall offergifts.11 Yea, all kingsshall fall downbefore him: all nationsshall serve him.12 For he shall deliverthe needywhen he crieth; the poor also, and himthat hath no helper.13 He shall sparethe poorand needy, and shall savethe soulsof the needy.14 He shall redeemtheir soulfrom deceitand violence: and preciousshall their bloodbe in his sight.15 And he shall live, and to him shall be givenof the goldof Sheba: prayer also shall be madefor him continually; anddailyshall he be praised.nshall be given: Heb. one shall give16 There shall be an handfulof cornin the earthupon the topof the mountains; the fruitthereof shall shakelike Lebanon: and theyof the cityshall flourishlike grassof the earth.17 His nameshall endure for ever: his nameshall be continuedas long asthe sun: and menshall be blessedin him: all nationsshall call him blessed.nendure: Heb. benhis name shall be…: Heb. shall be as a son to continue his father's name for ever18 Blessedbethe LordGod, the Godof Israel, who only doethwondrous things.19 And blessedbehis gloriousnamefor ever: and let the whole earthbe filledwithhis glory; Amen, and Amen.20 The prayersof Davidthe sonof Jesseare ended.