1 My heartis inditinga goodmatter: I speakof the things which I have madetouching the king: my tongueisthe penof a readywriter.nMaschil: or, of instructionnis inditing: Heb. boileth, or, bubbleth up2 Thou art fairerthan the childrenof men: graceis pouredinto thy lips: therefore Godhath blessedthee for ever.3 Girdthy sword upon thythigh, O mostmighty, with thy gloryand thy majesty.4 And in thy majestyrideprosperouslybecauseof truthand meeknessandrighteousness; and thy right handshall teachthee terrible things.nrideā¦: Heb. prosper thou, ride thou5 Thine arrowsaresharpin the heartof the king'senemies; wherebythe peoplefall under thee.6 Thy throne, O God, isfor everand ever: the sceptreof thy kingdomisa rightsceptre.7 Thou lovestrighteousness, and hatestwickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointedthee with the oilof gladnessabove thy fellows.8 All thy garmentssmellof myrrh, and aloes, andcassia, out of the ivorypalaces, wherebythey have made thee glad.9 Kings'daughterswereamong thy honourable women: upon thy right handdid standthe queenin goldof Ophir.10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and inclinethine ear; forgetalso thine own people, and thy father'shouse;11 So shall the kinggreatly desirethy beauty: for he isthy Lord; and worship thou him.12 And the daughterof Tyreshall be therewith a gift; eventhe richamong the peopleshall intreatthy favour.nfavour: Heb. face13 The king'sdaughterisall gloriouswithin: her clothingisof wroughtgold.14 She shall be broughtunto the kingin raiment of needlework: the virginsher companionsthat followher shall be brought unto thee.15 With gladnessand rejoicingshall they be brought: they shall enterinto the king'spalace.16 Instead of thy fathersshall be thy children, whom thou mayest makeprincesin all the earth.17 I will make thy nameto be rememberedin allgenerations: therefore shall the peoplepraisethee for everand ever.