1 In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me neverbe ashamed: deliverme in thy righteousness.2 Bow downthine earto me; deliverme speedily: be thou my strongrock, for an houseof defenceto save me.nmy…: Heb. to me for a rock of strength3 For thou artmy rockand my fortress; therefore for thy name'ssake leadme, and guide me.4 Pull me outof the netthatthey have laid privily for me: for thou artmy strength.5 Into thine handI commitmy spirit: thou hast redeemedme, O LordGodof truth.6 I have hatedthem that regardlyingvanities: but I trustin the Lord.7 I will be gladand rejoicein thy mercy: for thou hast consideredmy trouble; thou hast knownmy soulin adversities;8 And hast not shut me upinto the handof the enemy: thou hast setmy feetin a large room.9 Have mercyupon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eyeis consumedwith grief, yea, my souland my belly.10 For my lifeis spentwith grief, and my yearswith sighing: my strengthfailethbecause of mine iniquity, and my bonesare consumed.11 I was a reproachamong all mine enemies, but especiallyamong my neighbours, and a fearto mine acquaintance: they that did seeme withoutfled from me.12 I am forgottenas a dead manout of mind: I am like a brokenvessel.na broken…: Heb. a vessel that perisheth13 For I have heardthe slanderof many: fearwason every side: while they took counseltogetheragainst me, they devisedto take awaymy life.14 But I trustedin thee, O Lord: I said, Thou artmy God.15 My timesarein thy hand: deliverme from the handof mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.16 Make thy faceto shineupon thy servant: saveme for thy mercies' sake.17 Let me not be ashamed, O Lord; for I have calledupon thee: let the wickedbe ashamed, andlet them be silentin the grave.nsilent…: or, cut off for18 Let the lyinglipsbe put to silence; which speakgrievousthings proudlyand contemptuouslyagainst the righteous.ngrievous…: Heb. a hard thing19 Ohhow greatisthy goodness, which thou hast laid upfor them that fear thee; whichthou hast wroughtfor them that trustin thee before the sonsof men!20 Thou shalt hidethem in the secretof thy presencefrom the prideof man: thou shalt keep them secretlyin a pavilionfrom the strifeof tongues.21 Blessedbethe Lord: for he hath shewed me his marvellouskindnessin a strongcity.nstrong: or, fenced22 For I saidin my haste, I am cut offfrom beforethine eyes: neverthelessthou heardestthe voiceof my supplicationswhen I cried unto thee.23 O lovethe Lord, all ye his saints: forthe Lordpreserveththe faithful, and plentifullyrewardeththe prouddoer.24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthenyour heart, all ye that hopein the Lord.