1 I will extolthee, my God, O king; and I will blessthy namefor everand ever.2 Every daywill I blessthee; and I will praisethy namefor everand ever.3 Greatisthe Lord, and greatlyto be praised; and his greatnessisunsearchable.nand his…: Heb. and of his greatness there is no search4 Onegenerationshall praisethy worksto another, and shall declarethy mighty acts.5 I will speakof the glorioushonourof thy majesty, and of thy wondrousworks.nworks: Heb. things, or, words6 And menshall speakof the mightof thy terrible acts: and I will declarethy greatness.ndeclare: Heb. declare it7 They shall abundantly utterthe memoryof thy greatgoodness, and shall singof thy righteousness.8 The Lordisgracious, and full of compassion; slowto anger, and of greatmercy.nof great…: Heb. great in mercy9 The Lordisgoodto all: and his tender merciesareover all his works.10 All thy worksshall praisethee, O Lord; and thy saintsshall bless thee.11 They shall speakof the gloryof thy kingdom, and talkof thy power;12 To make knownto the sonsof menhis mighty acts, and the gloriousmajestyof his kingdom.13 Thy kingdomisan everlastingkingdom, and thy dominionendureththroughout allgenerations.nan…: Heb. a kingdom of all ages14 The Lordupholdethall that fall, and raiseth up all those that bebowed down.15 The eyesof all waitupon thee; and thou givestthem their meatin due season.nwait…: or, look unto16 Thou openestthine hand, and satisfiestthe desireof every living thing.17 The Lordisrighteousin all his ways, and holyin all his works.nholy: or, merciful, or, bountiful18 The Lordisnighunto all them that callupon him, to all that callupon him in truth.19 He will fulfilthe desireof them that fearhim: he also will heartheir cry, and will save them.20 The Lordpreservethall them that lovehim: but all the wickedwill he destroy.21 My mouthshall speakthe praiseof the Lord: and let all fleshblesshis holynamefor everand ever.