1 When the Lordturned againthe captivityof Zion, we were like them that dream.nturned…: Heb. returned the returning2 Then was our mouthfilledwith laughter, and our tonguewith singing: then saidthey among the heathen, The Lordhath donegreat things for them.nhath…: Heb. hath magnified to do with them3 The Lordhath donegreat things for us; whereofwe are glad.4 Turn againour captivity, O Lord, as the streamsin the south.5 They that sowin tearsshall reapin joy.njoy: or, singing6 He that goethforthand weepeth, bearingpreciousseed, shall doubtlesscomeagain with rejoicing, bringinghis sheaveswith him.nprecious…: or, seed basket