1 Praiseye the Lord. Blessedisthe manthatfeareththe Lord, thatdelightethgreatlyin his commandments.nPraiseā¦: Heb. Hallelujah2 His seedshall be mightyupon earth: the generationof the uprightshall be blessed.3 Wealthand richesshall bein his house: and his righteousnessendurethfor ever.4 Unto the uprightthere arisethlightin the darkness: he isgracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.5 A goodmansheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guidehis affairswith discretion.ndiscretion: Heb. judgment6 Surely he shall not be movedfor ever: the righteousshall be in everlastingremembrance.7 He shall not be afraidof eviltidings: his heartis fixed, trustingin the Lord.8 His heartisestablished, he shall not be afraid, until he seehis desireupon his enemies.9 He hath dispersed, he hath givento the poor; his righteousnessendurethfor ever; his hornshall be exaltedwith honour.10 The wickedshall seeit, and be grieved; he shall gnashwith his teeth, and melt away: the desireof the wickedshall perish.