1 My son, if thou wilt receivemy words, and hidemy commandments with thee;2 So that thou inclinethine earunto wisdom, andapplythine heartto understanding;3 Yea, if thou criestafter knowledge, andliftest upthy voicefor understanding;nliftest…: Heb. givest thy voice4 If thou seekesther as silver, and searchest for her as forhid treasures;5 Then shalt thou understandthe fearof the Lord, and findthe knowledgeof God.6 For the Lordgivethwisdom: out of his mouthcomethknowledgeand understanding.7 He layeth upsound wisdomfor the righteous: he isa bucklerto them that walkuprightly.8 He keepeththe pathsof judgment, and preserveththe wayof his saints.9 Then shalt thou understandrighteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every goodpath.
10 When wisdomenterethinto thine heart, and knowledgeis pleasantunto thy soul;11 Discretionshall preservethee, understandingshall keep thee:12 To deliverthee from the wayof the evilman, from the manthat speakethfroward things;13 Who leavethe pathsof uprightness, to walkin the waysof darkness;14 Who rejoiceto doevil, anddelightin the frowardnessof the wicked;15 Whose waysarecrooked, and theyfrowardin their paths:16 To deliverthee from the strangewoman, evenfrom the strangerwhichflatterethwith her words;17 Which forsakeththe guideof her youth, and forgetteththe covenantof her God.18 For her houseinclinethunto death, and her pathsunto the dead.19 None that gounto her return again, neither take they holdof the pathsof life.20 That thou mayest walkin the wayof goodmen, and keepthe pathsof the righteous.21 For the uprightshall dwellin the land, and the perfectshall remain in it.22 But the wickedshall be cut offfrom the earth, and the transgressorsshall be rooted out of it.nrooted: or, plucked up