1 Ifthere bethereforeanyconsolationinChrist, ifanycomfortof love, ifanyfellowshipof the Spirit, ifanybowelsandmercies,2 Fulfil yemyjoy, thatye belikeminded, havingthesamelove, beingof one accord, ofonemind.3 Letnothingbe donethroughstrifeorvainglory; butin lowliness of mindleteachesteemotherbetterthan themselves.4 Looknotevery manon his own things, butevery manalsoon the things of others.5 Letthismind beinyou, which wasalsoinChristJesus:6 Who, beinginthe formof God, thought itnotrobberyto beequalwith God:7 Butmadehimselfof no reputation, and took upon himthe formof a servant, and was madeinthe likenessof men:8 Andbeing foundin fashionasa man, he humbledhimself, and becameobedientuntodeath, eventhe deathof the cross.9 WhereforeGodalsohath highly exaltedhim, andgivenhima namewhich isaboveeveryname:10 Thatatthe nameof Jesuseverykneeshould bow, ofthingsin heaven, andthingsin earth, andthingsunder the earth;11 Andthateverytongueshould confessthatJesusChristisLord, tothe gloryof Godthe Father.12 Wherefore, mybeloved, asye havealwaysobeyed, notasinmypresenceonly, butnowmuchmoreinmyabsence, work outyour ownsalvationwithfearandtrembling.13 Forit isGodwhichworkethinyoubothto willandto doofhisgood pleasure.14 Doall thingswithoutmurmuringsanddisputings:15 Thatye may beblamelessandharmless, the sonsof God, without rebuke, inthe midstof acrookedandperversenation, amongwhomye shineaslightsinthe world;16 Holding forththe wordof life; thatImay rejoiceinthe dayof Christ, thatI havenotruninvain, neitherlabouredinvain.17 Yea, andifI be offereduponthe sacrificeandserviceofyourfaith, I joy, andrejoicewith youall.18 Forthe same causealsodoyejoy, andrejoice withme.19 ButI trustinthe LordJesusto sendTimotheusshortlyunto you, thatI alsomay be of good comfort, when I knowyourstate.20 ForI haveno manlikeminded, whowillnaturallycare foryourstate.21 Forallseektheir own, notthe things which areJesusChrist's.22 Butye knowthe proofof him, that, asa sonwith the father, he hath servedwithmeinthe gospel.23 HimthereforeI hopeto sendpresently, so soon asI shall see how it will go with me.24 ButI trustinthe LordthatIalsomyselfshall comeshortly.25 YetI supposed itnecessaryto sendtoyouEpaphroditus, mybrother, andcompanion in labour, andfellowsoldier, butyourmessenger, andhe that ministeredtomywants.26 Forhe longed afteryouall, andwas full of heaviness, because thatye had heardthathe had been sick.27 Forindeedhe was sicknigh untodeath: butGodhad mercy onhim; andnoton himonly, buton mealso, lestI should havesorrowuponsorrow.28 I senthimthereforethe more carefully, that, when ye seehimagain, ye may rejoice, and that Imay bethe less sorrowful.29 Receivehimthereforeinthe Lordwithallgladness; andholdsuchin reputation:30 Becauseforthe workof Christhe was nighuntodeath, not regardinghis life, to supplyyourlackof servicetowardme.