1 The elderswhichare amongyouI exhort, whoam also an elder, anda witnessof the sufferingsof Christ, and alsoa partakerof the glorythat shallbe revealed:2 Feedthe flockof Godwhich is amongyou, taking the oversightthereof, notby constraint, butwillingly; notfor filthy lucre, butof a ready mind;3 Neitherasbeing lords overGod'sheritage, butbeingensamplesto the flock.4 And whenthe chief Shepherdshall appear, ye shall receivea crownof glorythat fadeth not away.5 Likewise, ye younger, submityourselvesunto the elder. Yea, allof yoube subject one to another, and be clothed withhumility: forGodresisteththe proud, andgivethgraceto the humble.6 Humble yourselvesthereforeunderthe mightyhandof God, thathe may exaltyouindue time:7 Castingallyourcareuponhim; forhecarethforyou.8 Be sober, be vigilant; becauseyouradversarythe devil, asa roaringlion, walketh about, seekingwhomhe may devour:9 Whomresiststedfastin the faith, knowing thatthe sameafflictionsare accomplishedin yourbrethrenthat are inthe world.10 Butthe Godof allgrace, whohath calledusuntohiseternalglorybyChristJesus, after that ye have suffereda while, makeyouperfect, stablish, strengthen, settleyou.11 To himbegloryanddominionforeverand ever. Amen.12 BySilvanus, a faithfulbrotherunto you, asI suppose, I have writtenbriefly, exhorting, andtestifyingthat thisisthe truegraceof Godwhereinye stand.13 Thechurch that isatBabylon, elected together withyou, salutethyou; andso dothMarcusmyson.14 Greet yeone anotherwitha kissof charity. Peacebewith youallthatare inChristJesus. Amen.