1 Whereforelaying asideallmalice, andallguile, andhypocrisies, andenvies, andallevil speakings,2 Asnewbornbabes, desirethe sinceremilkof the word, thatye may growthereby:3 If so beye have tastedthatthe Lordisgracious.4 Towhomcoming, as untoa livingstone, disallowedindeedofmen, butchosenofGod, andprecious,5 Yealso, aslivelystones, are built upa spiritualhouse, an holypriesthood, to offer upspiritualsacrifices, acceptableto GodbyJesusChrist.6 Whereforealsoit is containedinthe scripture, Behold, I layinSiona chief cornerstone, elect, precious: andhe that believethonhimshallnotbe confounded.7 Unto youthereforewhichbelievehe isprecious: butunto them which be disobedient, the stonewhichthe buildersdisallowed, the sameis madethe headof the corner,8 Anda stoneof stumbling, anda rockof offence, even to themwhichstumble atthe word, being disobedient: whereuntoalsothey were appointed.9 Butyearea chosengeneration, a royalpriesthood, an holynation, a peculiarpeople; thatye should shew forththe praisesof him who hath calledyouout ofdarknessintohismarvellouslight:10 Whichin time pastwerenota people, butarenowthe peopleof God: whichhadnotobtained mercy, butnowhave obtained mercy.11 Dearly beloved, I beseechyouasstrangersandpilgrims, abstainfrom fleshlylusts, whichwaragainstthe soul;12 Havingyourconversationhonestamongthe Gentiles: that, whereasthey speak againstyouasevildoers, they maybyyourgoodworks, which they shall behold, glorifyGodinthe dayof visitation.13 Submit yourselvesto everyordinanceof manforthe Lord's sake: whether it beto the king, assupreme;14 Orunto governors, asunto them that are sentbyhimforthe punishmentof evildoers, andfor the praiseof them that do well.15 Forsoisthe willof God, that with well doingye may put to silencethe ignoranceof foolishmen:16 Asfree, andnotusingyourlibertyfora clokeof maliciousness, butasthe servantsof God.17 Honourallmen. Lovethe brotherhood. FearGod. Honourthe king.18 Servants, besubjecttoyourmasterswithallfear; notonlyto the goodandgentle, butalsoto the froward.19 Forthisisthankworthy, ifa manforconsciencetoward Godenduregrief, sufferingwrongfully.20 Forwhatgloryis it, if, whenye be buffetedfor your faults, ye shall take it patiently? butif, when ye do well, andsufferfor it, ye take it patiently, thisisacceptablewithGod.21 Forevenhereuntowere ye called: becauseChristalsosufferedforus, leavingusan example, thatye should followhissteps:22 Whodidnosin, neitherwasguilefoundinhismouth:23 Who, when he was reviled, revilednotagain; when he suffered, he threatenednot; butcommittedhimselfto him that judgethrighteously:24 Whohis own selfbareoursinsinhis ownbodyonthe tree, thatwe, being deadto sins, should liveunto righteousness: by whosestripesye were healed.25 Forye wereassheepgoing astray; butarenowreturneduntothe ShepherdandBishopof yoursouls.