1 Then camethe daughtersof Zelophehad, the sonof Hepher, the sonof Gilead, the sonof Machir, the sonof Manasseh, of the familiesof Manassehthe sonof Joseph: and these arethe namesof his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah.2 And they stoodbeforeMoses, and beforeEleazarthe priest, and beforethe princesand all the congregation, bythe doorof the tabernacleof the congregation, saying,3 Our fatherdiedin the wilderness, and he was not inthe companyof them that gathered themselves togetheragainst the Lordin the companyof Korah; but diedin his own sin, and had no sons.4 Why should the nameof our fatherbe done awayfrom amonghis family, because he hath no son? Give unto us thereforea possessionamongthe brethrenof our father.ndoneā¦: Heb. diminished5 And Mosesbroughttheir causebeforethe Lord.
6 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,7 The daughtersof Zelophehadspeakright: thou shalt surelygivethem a possessionof an inheritanceamongtheir father'sbrethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritanceof their fatherto pass unto them.8 And thou shalt speakunto the childrenof Israel, saying, If a mandie, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritanceto passunto his daughter.9 And if he have no daughter, then ye shall givehis inheritanceunto his brethren.10 And if he have no brethren, then ye shall givehis inheritanceunto his father'sbrethren.11 And if his fatherhave no brethren, then ye shall givehis inheritanceunto his kinsmanthat is nextto him of his family, and he shall possessit: and it shall be unto the childrenof Israela statuteof judgment, as the LordcommandedMoses.
12 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Get thee upinto this mountAbarim, and seethe landwhich I have givenunto the childrenof Israel.13 And when thou hast seenit, thou also shalt be gatheredunto thy people, as Aaronthy brotherwas gathered.14 For ye rebelledagainst my commandmentin the desertof Zin, in the strifeof the congregation, to sanctifyme at the waterbefore their eyes: that isthe waterof Meribahin Kadeshin the wildernessof Zin.
15 And Mosesspakeunto the Lord, saying,16 Let the Lord, the Godof the spiritsof all flesh, seta manover the congregation,17 Which may go outbeforethem, and which may go inbeforethem, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregationof the Lordbe not as sheepwhich have no shepherd.
18 And the Lordsaidunto Moses, Takethee Joshuathe sonof Nun, a man in whom isthe spirit, and laythine hand upon him;19 And sethim beforeEleazarthe priest, and beforeall the congregation; and give him a chargein their sight.20 And thou shalt putsomeof thine honourupon him, that all the congregationof the childrenof Israelmay be obedient.21 And he shall standbeforeEleazarthe priest, who shall askcounselfor him after the judgmentof Urimbeforethe Lord: at his wordshall they go out, and at his wordthey shall come in, bothhe, and all the childrenof Israelwith him, even all the congregation.22 And Mosesdidas the Lordcommandedhim: and he tookJoshua, and sethim beforeEleazarthe priest, and beforeall the congregation:23 And he laidhis handsupon him, and gave him a charge, as the Lordcommandedby the handof Moses.