1 Now Korah, the sonof Izhar, the sonof Kohath, the sonof Levi, and Dathanand Abiram, the sonsof Eliab, and On, the sonof Peleth, sonsof Reuben, tookmen:2 And they rose upbeforeMoses, with certainof the childrenof Israel, two hundredand fiftyprincesof the assembly, famousin the congregation, menof renown:3 And they gathered themselves togetheragainst Mosesand against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye taketoo muchupon you, seeing all the congregationareholy, every one of them, and the Lordisamongthem: wherefore then lift ye upyourselves above the congregationof the Lord?nYe take…: Heb. It is much for you4 And when Mosesheardit, he fellupon his face:5 And he spakeunto Korahand unto all his company, saying, Even to morrowthe Lordwill shew who are his, and who isholy; and will cause himto come near unto him: even himwhom he hath chosenwill he cause to come near unto him.6 This do; Takeyou censers, Korah, and all his company;7 And putfiretherein, and putincensein them beforethe Lordto morrow: and it shall be thatthe manwhom the Lorddoth choose, he shall beholy: ye taketoo muchupon you, ye sonsof Levi.8 And Mosessaidunto Korah, Hear, I pray you, ye sonsof Levi:9 Seemeth it buta small thingunto you, that the Godof Israelhath separatedyou from the congregationof Israel, to bring you nearto himself to dothe serviceof the tabernacleof the Lord, and to standbeforethe congregationto minister unto them?10 And he hath brought thee nearto him, and all thy brethrenthe sonsof Leviwith thee: and seekye the priesthood also?11 For which causeboththou and all thy companyaregathered togetheragainst the Lord: and what isAaron, that ye murmur against him?
12 And Mosessentto callDathanand Abiram, the sonsof Eliab: which said, We will not come up:13 Is ita small thingthatthou hast brought us upout of a landthat flowethwith milkand honey, to killus in the wilderness, except thou makethyself altogethera prince over us?14 Moreoverthou hast not broughtus into a landthat flowethwith milkand honey, or givenus inheritanceof fieldsand vineyards: wilt thou put outthe eyesof these men? we will not come up.nput…: Heb. bore out15 And Moseswas verywroth, and saidunto the Lord, Respectnot thou their offering: I have not takenoneassfrom them, neither have I hurtone of them.16 And Mosessaidunto Korah, Be thou and all thy companybeforethe Lord, thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow:17 And takeevery manhis censer, and putincensein them, and bringye beforethe Lordevery manhis censer, two hundredand fiftycensers; thou also, and Aaron, eachof youhis censer.18 And they tookevery manhis censer, and putfirein them, and laidincensethereon, and stoodin the doorof the tabernacleof the congregationwith Mosesand Aaron.19 And Korahgatheredall the congregationagainst them unto the doorof the tabernacleof the congregation: and the gloryof the Lordappearedunto all the congregation.20 And the Lordspakeunto Mosesand unto Aaron, saying,21 Separateyourselves from amongthis congregation, that I may consumethem in a moment.22 And they fellupon their faces, and said, O God, the Godof the spiritsof all flesh, shall onemansin, and wilt thou be wrothwith all the congregation?
23 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,24 Speakunto the congregation, saying, Get you upfrom aboutthe tabernacleof Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.25 And Mosesrose upand wentunto Dathanand Abiram; and the eldersof Israelfollowedhim.26 And he spakeunto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tentsof these wickedmen, and touchnothing of theirs, lest ye be consumedin all their sins.27 So they gat upfrom the tabernacleof Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathanand Abiramcame out, and stoodin the doorof their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children.28 And Mosessaid, Hereby ye shall knowthat the Lordhath sentme to doall these works; for I have not done themof mine own mind.29 If these men diethe common deathof all men, or if they be visitedafter the visitationof all men; thenthe Lordhath not sent me.nthe common…: Heb. as every man dieth30 But if the Lordmakea new thing, and the earthopenher mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertainunto them, and they go downquickinto the pit; then ye shall understandthat these menhave provokedthe Lord.nmake…: Heb. create a creature
31 And it came to pass, as he had made an endof speakingall these words, that the groundclave asunder that was under them:32 And the earthopenedher mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertainedunto Korah, and all theirgoods.33 They, and all that appertainedto them, went downaliveinto the pit, and the earthclosedupon them: and they perishedfrom amongthe congregation.34 And all Israel that wereround aboutthem fledat the cryof them: for they said, Lest the earthswallow us upalso.35 And there came outa firefrom the Lord, and consumedthe two hundredand fiftymenthat offeredincense.
36 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,37 Speakunto Eleazarthe sonof Aaronthe priest, that he take upthe censersoutof the burning, and scatterthou the fireyonder; for they are hallowed.38 The censersof these sinnersagainst their own souls, let them makethem broadplatesfora coveringof the altar: for they offeredthem beforethe Lord, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall be a signunto the childrenof Israel.39 And Eleazarthe priesttookthe brasencensers, wherewith they that were burnthad offered; and they were made broadplates fora coveringof the altar:40 To bea memorialunto the childrenof Israel, thatno stranger, which isnot of the seedof Aaron, come nearto offerincensebeforethe Lord; that he be not as Korah, and as his company: as the Lordsaidto him by the handof Moses.
41 But on the morrowall the congregationof the childrenof Israelmurmuredagainst Mosesand against Aaron, saying, Ye have killedthe peopleof the Lord.42 And it came to pass, when the congregationwas gatheredagainst Mosesand against Aaron, that they lookedtoward the tabernacleof the congregation: and, behold, the cloudcoveredit, and the gloryof the Lordappeared.43 And Mosesand Aaroncamebeforethe tabernacleof the congregation.
44 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,45 Get you upfrom amongthis congregation, that I may consumethem as in a moment. And they fellupon their faces.
46 And Mosessaidunto Aaron, Takea censer, and putfiretherein from offthe altar, and puton incense, and goquicklyunto the congregation, and make an atonementfor them: for there is wrathgone outfrom the Lord; the plagueis begun.47 And Aarontookas Mosescommanded, and raninto the midstof the congregation; and, behold, the plaguewas begunamong the people: and he puton incense, and made an atonementfor the people.48 And he stoodbetween the deadand the living; and the plaguewas stayed.49 Now they that diedin the plaguewere fourteenthousandand sevenhundred, beside them that diedabout the matterof Korah.50 And Aaronreturnedunto Mosesunto the doorof the tabernacleof the congregation: and the plaguewas stayed.