1 Whenhewas come downfromthe mountain, greatmultitudesfollowedhim.2 And, behold, there camea leperand worshippedhim, saying, Lord, ifthou wilt, thou canstmakemeclean.3 AndJesusput forthhishand, and touchedhim, saying, I will; be thou clean.Andimmediatelyhisleprosywas cleansed.4 AndJesussaithunto him, Seethou tellno man; butgo thy way, shewthyselfto the priest, andofferthe giftthatMosescommanded, fora testimonyunto them.
5 AndwhenJesuswas enteredintoCapernaum, there cameunto hima centurion, beseechinghim,6 Andsaying, Lord, myservantliethathomesick of the palsy, grievouslytormented.7 AndJesussaithunto him, Iwill come andhealhim.8 The centurionansweredandsaid, Lord, I amnotworthythatthou shouldest comeundermyroof: butspeakthe wordonly, andmyservantshall be healed.9 ForIama manunderauthority, havingsoldiersunderme: andI sayto thisman, Go, andhe goeth; andto another, Come, andhe cometh; andtomyservant, Dothis, andhe doethit. 10 WhenJesusheardit, he marvelled, andsaidto them that followed, VerilyI sayunto you, I havenotfoundso greatfaith, no, notinIsrael.11 AndI sayunto you, Thatmanyshall comefromthe eastandwest, andshall sit downwithAbraham, andIsaac, andJacob, inthe kingdomof heaven.12 Butthe childrenof the kingdomshall be cast outintoouterdarkness: thereshall beweepingandgnashingof teeth.13 AndJesussaidunto the centurion, Go thy way; andasthou hast believed, sobe it doneunto thee. Andhisservantwas healedintheselfsamehour.
14 AndwhenJesuswas comeintoPeter'shouse, he sawhiswife's motherlaid, andsick of a fever.15 Andhe touchedherhand, andthe feverlefther: andshe arose, andministeredunto them.
16 Whenthe evenwas come, they broughtunto himmanythat were possessed with devils: andhe cast outthe spiritswithhisword, andhealedallthat weresick:17 Thatit might be fulfilledwhich was spokenbyEsaiasthe prophet, saying, Himselftookourinfirmities, andbareoursicknesses.
18 NowwhenJesussawgreatmultitudesabouthim, he gave commandmentto departuntothe other side.19 Anda certainscribecame, and saidunto him, Master, I will followtheewhithersoeverthou goest.20 AndJesussaithunto him, The foxeshaveholes, andthe birdsof the airhavenests; butthe Sonof manhathnotwhereto layhishead.21 Andanotherofhisdisciplessaidunto him, Lord, suffermefirstto goandburymyfather.22 ButJesussaidunto him, Followme; andletthe deadburytheirdead.
23 Andwhenhewas enteredintoa ship, hisdisciplesfollowedhim.24 And, behold, there arosea greattempestinthe sea, insomuch thatthe shipwas coveredwiththe waves: buthewas asleep.25 Andhisdisciplescame tohim, and awokehim, saying, Lord, saveus: we perish.26 Andhe saithunto them, Whyare yefearful, O ye of little faith? Thenhe arose, and rebukedthe windsandthe sea; andthere wasa greatcalm.27 Butthe menmarvelled, saying, What manner of manisthis, thateventhe windsandthe seaobeyhim!
28 Andwhenhewas cometothe other sideintothe countryof the Gergesenes, there methimtwopossessed with devils, coming outofthe tombs, exceedingfierce, so thatnomanmightpassbythatway.29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, Whathave weto dowith thee, Jesus, thou Sonof God? art thou comehitherto tormentusbeforethe time?30 Andthere wasa good way offfromtheman herdof manyswinefeeding.31 Sothe devilsbesoughthim, saying, Ifthou castusout, sufferusto go awayintothe herdof swine.32 Andhe saidunto them, Go.Andwhen they were come out, they wentintothe herdof swine: and, behold, the wholeherdof swineran violentlydowna steep placeintothe sea, andperishedinthe waters.33 Andthey that kept themfled, andwent their waysintothe city, and toldevery thing, andwhat was befallento the possessed of the devils.34 And, behold, the wholecitycame outtomeetJesus: andwhen they sawhim, they besoughthimthathe would departoutoftheircoasts.