1 AndJesusansweredand spakeunto themagainbyparables, and said,2 The kingdomof heavenis like untoa certainking, whichmadea marriageforhisson,3 Andsent forthhisservantsto callthem that were biddentothe wedding: andthey wouldnotcome.4 Again, he sent forthotherservants, saying, Tellthem which are bidden, Behold, I have preparedmydinner: myoxenandmyfatlingsarekilled, andall thingsareready: comeuntothe marriage.5 Butthey made light ofit, and went their ways, onetohisfarm, anothertohismerchandise:6 Andthe remnanttookhisservants, and entreated them spitefully, andslewthem.7 Butwhenthe kingheardthereof, he was wroth: andhe sent forthhisarmies, and destroyedthosemurderers, andburned uptheircity.8 Thensaith hetohisservants, The weddingisready, butthey which were biddenwerenotworthy.9 Go yethereforeintothe highways, andas manyasye shall find, bidtothe marriage.10 Sothoseservantswent outintothe highways, and gathered togetherallas many asthey found, bothbadandgood: andthe weddingwas furnishedwith guests.
11 Andwhenthe kingcame into seethe guests, he sawtherea manwhich hadnotona weddinggarment:12 Andhe saithunto him, Friend, howcamest thou inhithernothavingaweddinggarment? Andhe was speechless.13 Thensaidthe kingto the servants, Bindhimhandandfoot, and takehimaway, andcasthimintoouterdarkness; thereshall beweepingandgnashingof teeth.14 Formanyarecalled, butfewarechosen.
15 Thenwentthe Pharisees, and tookcounselhowthey might entanglehiminhistalk.16 Andthey sent outunto himtheirdiscipleswiththe Herodians, saying, Master, we knowthatthou arttrue, andteachestthe wayof Godintruth, neithercarestthouforanyman: forthou regardestnotthe personof men.17 Tellustherefore, Whatthinkestthou? Is it lawfulto givetributeunto Caesar, ornot?18 ButJesusperceivedtheirwickedness, and said, Whytempt yeme, yehypocrites?19 Shewmethe tributemoney.Andthey broughtunto hima penny.20 Andhe saithunto them, Whoseisthisimageandsuperscription?21 They sayunto him, Cæsar's. Thensaith heunto them, Renderthereforeunto Cæsarthe things which are Cæsar's; andunto Godthe things that are God's.22 Whenthey had heardthese words, they marvelled, andlefthim, and went their way.
23 Thesamedaycameto himthe Sadducees, which say thatthere isnoresurrection, andaskedhim,24 Saying, Master, Mosessaid, Ifa mandie, havingnochildren, hisbrothershall marryhiswife, andraise upseeduntohisbrother.25 Nowthere werewithussevenbrethren: andthe first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, havingnoissue, lefthiswifeuntohisbrother:26 Likewisethe secondalso, andthe third, untothe seventh.27 Andlastof allthe womandiedalso.28 Thereforeinthe resurrectionwhosewifeshall she beof the seven? fortheyallhadher.29 Jesusansweredand saidunto them, Ye do err, notknowingthe scriptures, northe powerof God.30 Forinthe resurrectiontheyneithermarry, norare given in marriage, butareasthe angelsof Godinheaven.31 Butas touchingthe resurrectionof the dead, have yenotreadthat which was spokenunto youbyGod, saying,32 Iamthe Godof Abraham, andthe Godof Isaac, andthe Godof Jacob? Godisnotthe Godof the dead, butof the living.33 Andwhenthe multitudeheardthis, they were astonishedathisdoctrine.
34 Butwhenthe Phariseeshad heardthathe had putthe Sadduceesto silence, they were gatheredtogether.35 Thenoneofthem, which wasa lawyer, askedhim a question, temptinghim, andsaying,36 Master, whichisthegreatcommandmentinthe law?37 Jesussaidunto him, Thou shalt lovethe LordthyGodwithallthyheart, andwithallthysoul, andwithallthymind.38 Thisisthe firstandgreatcommandment.39 Andthe secondislikeunto it, Thou shalt lovethyneighbourasthyself.40 Onthesetwocommandmentshangallthe lawandthe prophets.
41 Whilethe Phariseeswere gathered together, Jesusaskedthem,42 Saying, WhatthinkyeofChrist? whosesonis he? They sayunto him, The Sonof David.43 He saithunto them, HowthendothDavidinspiritcallhimLord, saying,44 The LordsaiduntomyLord, Sit thouonmyright hand, tillI makethineenemiesthyfootstool?45 IfDavidthencallhimLord, howis hehisson?46 Andno manwas ableto answerhima word, neitherdurstanymanfromthatdayforthaskhimany morequestions.