1 Thencameto JesusscribesandPharisees, which were ofJerusalem, saying,2 Whydothydisciplestransgressthe traditionof the elders? forthey washnottheirhandswhenthey eatbread.3 Buthe answeredand saidunto them, Whydoyealsotransgressthe commandmentof Godbyyourtradition?4 ForGodcommanded, saying, Honourthyfatherandmother: and, He that cursethfatherormother, let him diethe death.5 Butyesay, Whosoevershall saytohisfatherorhismother, It isa gift, by whatsoeverthou mightest be profitedbyme;6 Andhonournothisfatherorhismother, he shall be free. Thushave ye madethe commandmentof Godof none effectbyyourtradition.7 Yehypocrites, welldidEsaiasprophesyofyou, saying,8 Thispeopledraweth nighunto mewiththeirmouth, andhonourethmewiththeirlips; buttheirheartisfarfromme.9 Butin vainthey do worshipme, teachingfordoctrinesthe commandmentsof men.
10 Andhe calledthe multitude, and saidunto them, Hear, andunderstand:11 Notthat which goethintothe mouthdefiletha man; butthat which cometh outofthe mouth, thisdefiletha man.12 Thencamehisdisciples, and saidunto him, Knowest thouthatthe Phariseeswere offended, after they heardthis saying?13 Buthe answeredand said, Everyplant, whichmyheavenlyFatherhathnotplanted, shall be rooted up.14 Letthemalone: they beblindleadersof the blind. Andifthe blindleadthe blind, bothshall fallintothe ditch.15 ThenansweredPeterand saidunto him, Declareunto usthisparable.16 AndJesussaid, Areyealsoyetwithout understanding?17 Do notyeyetunderstand, thatwhatsoeverenterethin atthe mouthgoethintothe belly, andis cast outintothe draught?18 Butthose things which proceedoutof the mouthcome forthfromthe heart; and theydefilethe man.19 Foroutof the heartproceedevilthoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:20 Thesearethe thingswhich defilea man: butto eatwithunwashenhandsdefilethnota man.
21 ThenJesuswentthence, and departedintothe coastsof TyreandSidon.22 And, behold, a womanof Canaancameoutof thesamecoasts, and criedunto him, saying, Have mercyon me, O Lord, thouSonof David; mydaughterisgrievouslyvexed with a devil.23 Buthe answeredhernota word. Andhisdisciplescameand besoughthim, saying, Sendheraway; forshe criethafterus.24 Buthe answeredand said, I amnotsentbutuntothe lostsheepof the houseof Israel.25 Thencame sheand worshippedhim, saying, Lord, helpme.26 Buthe answeredand said, It isnotmeetto takethe children'sbread, andto castitto dogs.27 Andshe said, Truth, Lord: yetthe dogseatofthe crumbswhich fallfromtheirmasters'table.28 ThenJesusansweredand saidunto her, Owoman, greatisthyfaith: be itunto theeeven asthou wilt. Andherdaughterwas made wholefromthat veryhour.29 AndJesusdepartedfrom thence, and camenighunto the seaof Galilee; andwent upintoa mountain, and sat downthere.30 Andgreatmultitudescame untohim, havingwiththemthose that werelame, blind, dumb, maimed, andmanyothers, andcastthemdownatJesus'feet; andhe healedthem:31 Insomuch thatthe multitudewondered, when they sawthe dumbto speak, the maimedto be whole, the lameto walk, andthe blindto see: andthey glorifiedthe Godof Israel.
32 ThenJesuscalledhisdisciplesunto him, and said, I have compassiononthe multitude, becausethey continue withmenowthreedays, andhavenothingtoeat: andI willnotsendthemawayfasting, lestthey faintinthe way.33 Andhisdisciplessayunto him, Whenceshould we haveso muchbreadinthe wilderness, asto fillso greata multitude?34 AndJesussaithunto them, How manyloaveshave ye? Andthey said, Seven, anda fewlittle fishes.35 Andhe commandedthe multitudeto sit downonthe ground.36 Andhe tookthesevenloavesandthe fishes, and gave thanks, and brakethem, andgavetohisdisciples, andthe disciplesto the multitude.37 Andthey didalleat, andwere filled: andthey took upof the brokenmeatthat was leftsevenbasketsfull.38 Andthey that did eatwerefour thousandmen, besidewomenandchildren.39 Andhe sent awaythe multitude, and tookship, andcameintothe coastsof Magdala.