1 Andit came to pass, whenJesushad made an end ofcommandinghistwelvedisciples, he departedthenceto teachandto preachintheircities.2 Now whenJohnhad heardinthe prisonthe worksof Christ, he senttwoofhisdisciples,3 And saidunto him, Artthouhe that should come, ordo we look foranother?4 Jesusansweredand saidunto them, Goand shewJohnagainthose things whichye do hearandsee:5 The blindreceive their sight, andthe lamewalk, the lepersare cleansed, andthe deafhear, the deadare raised up, andthe poorhave the gospel preached to them.6 Andblessedishe, whosoevershallnotbe offendedinme.
7 And astheydeparted, Jesusbeganto sayunto the multitudesconcerningJohn, Whatwent ye outintothe wildernessto see? A reedshakenwiththe wind?8 Butwhatwent ye outfor to see? A manclothedinsoftraiment? behold, they thatwearsoftclothingareinkings'houses.9 Butwhatwent ye outfor to see? A prophet? yea, I sayunto you, andmore thana prophet.10 Forthisishe, ofwhomit is written, Behold, Isendmymessengerbeforethyface, whichshall preparethywaybeforethee.11 VerilyI sayunto you, Amongthem that are bornof womenthere hathnotrisena greater thanJohnthe Baptist: notwithstandinghe that is leastinthe kingdomof heavenisgreater thanhe.12 Andfromthe daysof Johnthe Baptistuntilnowthe kingdomof heavensuffereth violence, andthe violenttakeitby force.13 Forallthe prophetsandthe lawprophesieduntilJohn.14 Andifye willreceiveit, thisisElias, whichwas forto come.15 He that hathearsto hear, let him hear.
16 Butwhereuntoshall I likenthisgeneration? It islike untochildrensittinginthe markets, andcalling untotheirfellows,17 Andsaying, We have pipedunto you, andye havenotdanced; we have mournedunto you, andye havenotlamented.18 ForJohncameneithereatingnordrinking, andthey say, He hatha devil.19 The Sonof mancameeatinganddrinking, andthey say, Beholda mangluttonous, anda winebibber, a friendof publicansandsinners. Butwisdomis justifiedofherchildren.
20 Thenbegan heto upbraidthe citieswhereinmostofhismighty workswere done, becausethey repentednot:21 Woeunto thee, Chorazin! woeunto thee, Bethsaida! forifthe mighty works, which were doneinyou, had been doneinTyreandSidon, theywould haverepentedlong agoinsackclothandashes.22 ButI sayunto you, It shall bemore tolerablefor TyreandSidonatthe dayof judgment, thanfor you.23 Andthou, Capernaum, which art exalteduntoheaven, shalt be brought downtohell: forifthe mighty works, which have been doneinthee, had been doneinSodom, itwould haveremaineduntilthis day.24 ButI sayunto you, Thatit shall bemore tolerablefor the landof Sodominthe dayof judgment, thanfor thee.
25 AtthattimeJesusansweredand said, I thankthee, O Father, Lordof heavenandearth, becausethou hast hidthese thingsfromthe wiseandprudent, andhast revealedthemunto babes.26 Even so, Father: forsoit seemedgoodinthy sight.27 All thingsare deliveredunto meofmyFather: andno manknoweththe Son, butthe Father; neitherknowethany manthe Father, savethe Son, andheto whomsoeverthe Sonwillrevealhim.
28 Comeuntome, allyethat labourandare heavy laden, and Iwill giveyourest.29 Takemyyokeuponyou, andlearnofme; forI ammeekandlowlyin heart: andye shall findrestuntoyoursouls.30 Formyyokeiseasy, andmyburdenislight.