1 Andhe went outfrom thence, andcameintohis owncountry; andhisdisciplesfollowhim.2 Andwhen the sabbath daywas come, he beganto teachinthe synagogue: andmanyhearinghimwere astonished, saying, From whencehath thismanthese things? andwhatwisdomisthis whichis givenunto him, thatevensuchmighty worksare wroughtbyhishands?3 Isnotthisthe carpenter, the sonof Mary, the brotherof James, andJoses, andof Juda, andSimon? andarenothissistersherewithus? Andthey were offendedathim.4 ButJesussaidunto them, A prophetisnotwithout honour, butinhis owncountry, andamonghis own kin, andinhis ownhouse.5 Andhe couldtheredonomighty work, save thathe laidhis handsupon a fewsick folk, and healedthem. 6 Andhe marvelledbecauseof theirunbelief. Andhe wentround aboutthe villages, teaching.
7 Andhe calledunto himthe twelve, andbeganto sendthemforthby twoand two; andgavethempowerover uncleanspirits;8 Andcommandedthemthatthey should takenothingfortheirjourney, savea staffonly; noscrip, nobread, nomoneyintheirpurse:9 Butbeshodwith sandals; andnotput ontwocoats.10 Andhe saidunto them, In what place soeverye enterintoan house, thereabidetillye departfrom that place.11 Andwhosoevershallnotreceiveyou, norhearyou, when ye departthence, shake offthe dustunderyourfeetfora testimonyagainst them. VerilyI sayunto you, It shall bemore tolerablefor SodomandGomorrhainthe dayof judgment, thanfor thatcity.12 Andthey went out, and preachedthatmen should repent.13 Andthey cast outmanydevils, andanointedwith oilmanythat were sick, andhealedthem. 14 AndkingHerodheardof him; (forhisnamewasspread abroad:) andhe said, ThatJohnthe Baptistwas risenfromthe dead, andthereforemightyworks do shew forth themselvesinhim.15 Otherssaid, Thatit isElias. Andotherssaid, Thatit isa prophet, orasoneof the prophets.16 Butwhen Herodheardthereof, he said, ItisJohn, whomIbeheaded: heis risenfromthe dead.17 ForHerodhimselfhad sent forthand laid holdupon John, andboundhiminprisonforHerodias' sake, hisbrotherPhilip'swife: forhe had marriedher.18 ForJohnhad saidunto Herod, It isnotlawfulfor theeto havethybrother'swife.19 ThereforeHerodiashad a quarrelagainst him, andwouldhave killedhim; butshe couldnot:20 ForHerodfearedJohn, knowingthat hewas a justmanandan holy, andobservedhim; andwhen he heardhim, he didmany things, andheardhimgladly.21 Andwhena convenientdaywas come, that Herodon hisbirthdaymadea supperto hislords, high captains, andchiefestatesof Galilee;22 Andwhen the daughterof the saidHerodiascame in, anddanced, andpleasedHerodandthemthat sat with him, the kingsaidunto the damsel, Askof mewhatsoeverthou wilt, andI will giveitthee.23 Andhe swareunto her, Whatsoeverthou shalt askof me, I will giveitthee, untothe halfof mykingdom.24 Andshe went forth, and saidunto hermother, Whatshall I ask? Andshe said, The headof Johnthe Baptist.25 Andshe came instraightwaywithhasteuntothe king, and asked, saying, I willthatthou givemeby and byina chargerthe headof Johnthe Baptist.26 Andthe kingwasexceeding sorry; yetforhis oath's sake, andfor their sakes whichsat with him, he wouldnotrejecther.27 Andimmediatelythe kingsentan executioner, and commandedhisheadto be brought: andhe wentand beheadedhiminthe prison,28 Andbroughthisheadina charger, andgaveitto the damsel: andthe damselgaveitto hermother.29 Andwhen hisdisciplesheardof it, they cameandtook uphiscorpse, andlaiditina tomb.30 Andthe apostlesgathered themselves togetheruntoJesus, andtoldhimall things, bothwhatthey had done, andwhatthey had taught.31 Andhe saidunto them, Comeyeyourselvesapartintoa desertplace, andresta while:forthere weremanycomingandgoing, andthey hadnoleisureso much as to eat.32 Andthey departedintoa desertplaceby shipprivately.33 Andthe peoplesawthemdeparting, andmanyknewhim, andranafootthitheroutof allcities, andoutwentthem, andcame togetheruntohim.34 AndJesus, when he came out, sawmuchpeople, and was moved with compassiontowardthem, becausethey wereassheepnothavinga shepherd: andhe beganto teachthemmany things.35 Andwhen the daywasnowfar spent, hisdisciplescameunto him, and said, This isa desertplace, andnowthe timeisfar passed:36 Sendthemaway, thatthey may gointothe countryround about, andinto the villages, and buythemselvesbread: forthey havenothingto eat.37 He answeredand saidunto them, Giveyethemto eat.Andthey sayunto him, Shall we goand buytwo hundredpennyworthof bread, andgivethemto eat?38 He saithunto them, How manyloaveshave ye? goandsee.Andwhen they knew, they say, Five, andtwofishes.39 Andhe commandedthemto makeallsit downby companiesuponthe greengrass.40 Andthey sat downin ranks, byhundreds, andbyfifties.41 Andwhen he had takenthe fiveloavesandthe twofishes, he lookedup toheaven, andblessed, and brakethe loaves, andgavethemto hisdisciplestoset beforethem; andthe twofishesdivided he amongthem all.42 Andthey didalleat, andwere filled.43 Andthey took uptwelvebasketsfullof the fragments, andofthe fishes.44 Andthey thatdid eatof the loaveswereaboutfive thousandmen.45 Andstraightwayhe constrainedhisdisciplesto getintothe ship, andto gotothe other sidebefore untoBethsaida, whilehesent awaythe people.46 Andwhen he had sentthemaway, he departedintoa mountainto pray.47 Andwhen evenwas come, the shipwasinthe midstof the sea, andhealoneonthe land.48 Andhe sawthemtoilinginrowing; forthe windwascontraryunto them: andaboutthe fourthwatchof the nighthe comethuntothem, walkinguponthe sea, andwould havepassed bythem.49 Butwhen they sawhimwalkinguponthe sea, they supposedit had beena spirit, andcried out:50 Fortheyallsawhim, andwere troubled. Andimmediatelyhe talkedwiththem, andsaithunto them, Be of good cheer: it isI; benotafraid.51 Andhe went upuntothemintothe ship; andthe windceased: andthey were soreamazedinthemselvesbeyondmeasure, andwondered.52 Forthey considerednotthe miracleofthe loaves: fortheirheartwashardened.53 Andwhen they had passed over, they cameintothe landof Gennesaret, anddrew to the shore.54 Andwhen theywere come outofthe ship, straightwaythey knewhim,55 And ran throughthatwholeregion round about, and beganto carry aboutinbedsthose thatweresick, wherethey heardhe was.56 Andwhithersoeverhe entered, intovillages, orcities, orcountry, they laidthe sickinthe streets, andbesoughthimthatthey might touchif it were butthe borderof hisgarment: andas many astouchedhimwere made whole.