9 Buttake heedto yourselves: forthey shall deliveryouuptocouncils; andinthe synagoguesye shall be beaten: andye shall be broughtbeforerulersandkingsformy sake, fora testimonyagainst them.10 Andthe gospelmustfirstbe publishedamongallnations.11 Butwhenthey shall leadyou, and deliver you up, takenothought beforehandwhatye shall speak, neitherdo ye premeditate: butwhatsoevershall be givenyouinthathour, thatspeak ye: forit isnotye thatspeak, butthe HolyGhost.12 Nowthe brothershall betraythe brothertodeath, andthe fatherthe son; andchildrenshall rise upagainsttheirparents, andshall causethemto be put to death.13 Andye shall behatedofallmenformyname's sake: buthe thatshall endureuntothe end, the sameshall be saved.
14 Butwhenye shall seethe abominationof desolation, spoken ofbyDanielthe prophet, standingwhereit oughtnot, (let him thatreadethunderstand,) thenlet them that beinJudæafleetothe mountains:15 Andlet him that isonthe housetopnotgo downintothe house, neitherentertherein, to takeany thingout ofhishouse:16 Andlet himthat isinthe fieldnotturnbackagainfor to take uphisgarment.17 Butwoeto themthat arewithchild, andto themthat give suckinthosedays!18 Andpray yethatyourflightbenotin the winter.19 Forinthosedaysshall beaffliction, such aswasnotfromthe beginningof the creationwhichGodcreateduntothis time, neithershall be.20 Andexceptthat the Lordhad shortenedthose days, nofleshshould be saved: butforthe elect's sake, whomhe hath chosen, he hath shortenedthe days.21 Andthenifany manshall sayto you, Lo, hereisChrist; or, lo, he isthere; believehimnot:22 Forfalse Christsandfalse prophetsshall rise, andshall shewsignsandwonders, toseduce, ifit werepossible, eventhe elect.23 Buttakeyeheed: behold, I have foretoldyouall things.
24 Butinthosedays, afterthattribulation, the sunshall be darkened, andthe moonshallnotgiveherlight,25 Andthe starsof heavenshallfall, andthe powersthat areinheavenshall be shaken.26 Andthenshall they seethe Sonof mancominginthe cloudswithgreatpowerandglory.27 Andthenshall he sendhisangels, andshall gather togetherhiselectfromthe fourwinds, fromthe uttermost partof the earthtothe uttermost partof heaven.28 Nowlearna parableofthe fig tree; Whenherbranchisyettender, andputteth forthleaves, ye knowthatsummerisnear:29 Soyein like manner, whenye shall seethese thingscome to pass, knowthatit isnigh, evenatthe doors.30 VerilyI sayunto you, thatthisgenerationshallnotpass, tillallthese thingsbe done.31 Heavenandearthshall pass away: butmywordsshallnotpass away.
32 Butofthatdayandthathourknowethno man, no, notthe angelswhich areinheaven, neitherthe Son, butthe Father.33 Take ye heed, watchandpray: forye knownotwhenthe timeis.34 For the Son of man isasa mantaking a far journey, who lefthishouse, andgaveauthorityto hisservants, andto every manhiswork, andcommandedthe portertowatch.35 Watch yetherefore: forye knownotwhenthe masterof the housecometh, at even, orat midnight, orat the cockcrowing, orin the morning:36 Lestcomingsuddenlyhe findyousleeping.37 AndwhatI sayunto youI sayunto all, Watch.