1 And the Lordspakeunto Moses, saying,2 Again, thou shalt sayto the childrenof Israel, Whosoeverhe beof the childrenof Israel, or of the strangersthat sojournin Israel, that givethanyof his seedunto Molech; he shall surelybe put to death: the peopleof the landshall stonehim with stones.3 And I will setmy faceagainst that man, and will cut him offfrom amonghis people; because he hath givenof his seedunto Molech, to defilemy sanctuary, and to profanemy holyname.4 And if the peopleof the landdo any wayshidetheir eyesfrom the man, when he givethof his seedunto Molech, and killhim not:5 Then I will setmy faceagainst that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoringafterhim, to commit whoredomwith Molech, from amongtheir people.
6 And the soulthat turnethaftersuch as have familiar spirits, and afterwizards, to go a whoringafterthem, I will even setmy faceagainst that soul, and will cut him offfrom amonghis people.
7 Sanctifyyourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I amthe Lordyour God.8 And ye shall keepmy statutes, and do them: I amthe Lordwhich sanctify you.
9 For everyonethat cursethhis fatheror his mothershall be surelyput to death: he hath cursedhis fatheror his mother; his bloodshall be upon him.
10 And the manthat committeth adultery with anotherman'swife, even hethat committeth adulterywith his neighbour'swife, the adultererand the adulteressshall surelybe put to death.11 And the manthat liethwith his father'swifehath uncoveredhis father'snakedness: bothof them shall surelybe put to death; their bloodshall be upon them.12 And if a manliewith his daughter in law, bothof them shall surelybe put to death: they have wroughtconfusion; their bloodshall be upon them.13 If a manalso liewith mankind, as he liethwith a woman, bothof them have committedan abomination: they shall surelybe put to death; their bloodshall be upon them.14 And if a mantakea wifeand her mother, it iswickedness: they shall be burntwith fire, both he and they; that there be no wickednessamong you.15 And if a manliewith a beast, he shall surelybe put to death: and ye shall slaythe beast.16 And if a womanapproachunto any beast, and lie downthereto, thou shalt killthe woman, and the beast: they shall surelybe put to death; their bloodshall be upon them.17 And if a manshall takehis sister, his father'sdaughter, orhis mother'sdaughter, and seeher nakedness, and she seehis nakedness; it isa wicked thing; and they shall be cut offin the sightof their people: he hath uncoveredhis sister'snakedness; he shall bearhis iniquity.18 And if a manshall liewith a womanhaving her sickness, and shall uncoverher nakedness; he hath discoveredher fountain, and she hath uncoveredthe fountainof her blood: and bothof them shall be cut offfrom amongtheir people.ndiscovered: Heb. made naked19 And thou shalt not uncoverthe nakednessof thy mother'ssister, nor of thy father'ssister: for he uncoverethhis near kin: they shall beartheir iniquity.nuncovereth: Heb. hath made naked20 And if a manshall liewith his uncle's wife, he hath uncoveredhis uncle'snakedness: they shall beartheir sin; they shall diechildless.21 And if a manshall takehis brother'swife, it isan unclean thing: he hath uncoveredhis brother'snakedness; they shall be childless.nan…: Heb. a separation
22 Ye shall therefore keepall my statutes, and all my judgments, and dothem: that the land, whither I bringyou to dwelltherein, spue you not out.23 And ye shall not walkin the mannersof the nation, which I cast outbeforeyou: for they committedall these things, and therefore I abhorred them.24 But I have saidunto you, Ye shall inherittheir land, and I will giveit unto you to possessit, a landthat flowethwith milkand honey: I amthe Lordyour God, which have separated you from otherpeople.25 Ye shall therefore put differencebetween cleanbeastsand unclean, and between uncleanfowlsand clean: and ye shall not make your soulsabominableby beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living thing that creepethon the ground, which I have separatedfrom you as unclean.ncreepeth: or, moveth26 And ye shall be holyunto me: for I the Lordamholy, and have severed you from otherpeople, that ye should be mine.
27 A manalso or womanthat hatha familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surelybe put to death: they shall stonethem with stones: their bloodshall be upon them.