1 And the Lordspakeunto Mosesand Aaron, saying,2 When a manshall have in the skinof his flesha rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skinof his fleshlikethe plagueof leprosy; then he shall be broughtunto Aaronthe priest, or unto oneof his sonsthe priests:nrising: or, swelling3 And the priestshall lookon the plaguein the skinof the flesh: and whenthe hairin the plagueis turnedwhite, and the plaguein sightbedeeperthan the skinof his flesh, it isa plagueof leprosy: and the priestshall lookon him, and pronounce him unclean.4 If the bright spotbewhitein the skinof his flesh, and in sightbenot deeperthan the skin, and the hairthereof be not turnedwhite; then the priestshall shut up him that haththe plaguesevendays:5 And the priestshall lookon him the seventhday: and, behold, ifthe plaguein his sightbe at a stay, andthe plaguespreadnot in the skin; then the priestshall shuthim up sevendaysmore:6 And the priestshall lookon him againthe seventhday: and, behold, ifthe plaguebesomewhat dark, andthe plaguespreadnot in the skin, the priestshall pronounce him clean: it is buta scab: and he shall washhis clothes, and be clean.7 But if the scabspread muchabroadin the skin, afterthat he hath been seenof the priestfor his cleansing, he shall be seenof the priestagain:8 And ifthe priestseethat, behold, the scabspreadethin the skin, then the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isa leprosy.
9 When the plagueof leprosyis in a man, then he shall be broughtunto the priest;10 And the priestshall seehim: and, behold, ifthe risingbewhitein the skin, and it have turnedthe hairwhite, and there bequickrawfleshin the rising;nquick…: Heb. the quickening of living flesh11 It isan oldleprosyin the skinof his flesh, and the priestshall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up: for he isunclean.12 And if a leprosybreak outabroadin the skin, and the leprosycoverall the skin of him that haththe plaguefrom his headeven to his foot, wheresoever the priestlooketh;13 Then the priestshall consider: and, behold, ifthe leprosyhave coveredall his flesh, he shall pronounce himcleanthat haththe plague: it is all turnedwhite: he isclean.14 But whenrawfleshappearethin him, he shall be unclean.15 And the priestshall seethe rawflesh, and pronounce him to be unclean: forthe rawfleshisunclean: it isa leprosy.16 Or if the rawfleshturn again, and be changedunto white, he shall comeunto the priest;17 And the priestshall see him: and, behold, ifthe plaguebe turnedinto white; then the priest shall pronounce himcleanthat haththe plague: he isclean.
18 The fleshalso, in which, evenin the skinthereof, was a boil, and is healed,19 And in the placeof the boilthere be a whiterising, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, and it be shewedto the priest;20 And if, when the priestseeth it, behold, it bein sightlowerthan the skin, and the hairthereof be turnedwhite; the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isa plagueof leprosybrokenout of the boil.21 But if the priestlook on it, and, behold, there beno whitehairs therein, and if it benot lowerthan the skin, but besomewhat dark; then the priestshall shuthim up sevendays:22 And if it spread muchabroadin the skin, then the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isa plague.23 But if the bright spotstay in his place, andspread not, it isa burningboil; and the priestshall pronounce him clean.
24 Or if there be anyflesh, in the skin whereof there isa hotburning, and the quickfleshthat burnethhave a whitebright spot, somewhat reddish, or white;na hot…: Heb. a burning of fire25 Then the priestshall look upon it: and, behold, ifthe hairin the bright spotbe turnedwhite, and it be insightdeeperthan the skin; it isa leprosybrokenout of the burning: wherefore the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isthe plagueof leprosy.26 But if the priestlook on it, and, behold, there beno whitehairin the bright spot, and it beno lower than the otherskin, but besomewhat dark; then the priestshall shuthim up sevendays:27 And the priestshall lookupon him the seventhday: andif it be spread muchabroadin the skin, then the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isthe plagueof leprosy.28 And if the brightspotstay in his place, andspreadnot in the skin, but it besomewhat dark; it isa risingof the burning, and the priestshall pronounce him clean: for it isan inflammationof the burning.
29 If a manor womanhave a plagueupon the heador the beard;30 Then the priestshall seethe plague: and, behold, if it bein sightdeeperthan the skin; and there bein it a yellowthinhair; then the priestshall pronounce him unclean: it isa dry scall, evena leprosyupon the heador beard.31 And if the priestlookon the plagueof the scall, and, behold, it benot in sightdeeperthan the skin, and that there isno blackhairin it; then the priestshall shut up him that haththe plagueof the scallsevendays:32 And in the seventhdaythe priestshall lookon the plague: and, behold, ifthe scallspreadnot, and there be in it no yellowhair, and the scallbenot in sightdeeperthan the skin;33 He shall be shaven, but the scallshall he not shave; and the priestshall shut up him that haththe scallsevendaysmore:34 And in the seventhdaythe priestshall lookon the scall: and, behold, ifthe scallbe not spreadin the skin, nor bein sightdeeperthan the skin; then the priestshall pronounce him clean: and he shall washhis clothes, and be clean.35 But if the scallspreadmuchin the skinafterhis cleansing;36 Then the priestshall lookon him: and, behold, if the scallbe spreadin the skin, the priestshall not seekfor yellowhair; he isunclean.37 But if the scallbe in his sightat a stay, and thatthere is blackhairgrownup therein; the scallis healed, he isclean: and the priestshall pronounce him clean.
38 If a manalso or a womanhave in the skinof their fleshbright spots, evenwhitebright spots;39 Then the priestshall look: and, behold, ifthe bright spotsin the skinof their fleshbedarkishwhite; it isa freckled spotthatgrowethin the skin; he isclean.40 And the manwhose hair is fallenoff his head, he isbald; yet ishe clean.nhair…: Heb. head is pilled41 And he that hath his hair fallenoff from the partof his headtoward his face, he isforehead bald: yet ishe clean.42 And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a whitereddishsore; it isa leprosysprungup in his bald head, or his bald forehead.43 Then the priestshall look upon it: and, behold, ifthe risingof the sorebewhitereddishin his bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprosyappearethin the skinof the flesh;44 He is a leprousman, he isunclean: the priestshall pronounce him utterlyunclean; his plagueisin his head.45 And the leperin whom the plagueis, his clothesshall be rent, and his headbare, and he shall put a coveringupon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.46 All the dayswherein the plagueshall bein him he shall be defiled; he isunclean: he shall dwellalone; withoutthe campshallhis habitationbe.
47 The garmentalso that the plagueof leprosy is in, whether it bea woollengarment, or a linengarment;48 Whether it bein the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether in a skin, or in any thing madeof skin;nthing…: Heb. work of49 And if the plaguebe greenishor reddishin the garment, or in the skin, eitherin the warp, or in the woof, or in any thingof skin; it isa plagueof leprosy, and shall be shewedunto the priest:nthing: Heb. vessel, or, instrument50 And the priestshall lookupon the plague, and shut up it that haththe plaguesevendays:51 And he shall lookon the plagueon the seventhday: if the plaguebe spreadin the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in a skin, orin any workthat is madeof skin; the plagueisa frettingleprosy; it isunclean.52 He shall therefore burnthat garment, whether warpor woof, in woollenor in linen, or any thingof skin, wherein the plague is: for it isa frettingleprosy; it shall be burntin the fire.53 And if the priestshall look, and, behold, the plaguebe not spreadin the garment, eitherin the warp, orin the woof, orin any thingof skin;54 Then the priestshall commandthat they washthe thingwherein the plagueis, and he shall shutit up sevendaysmore:55 And the priestshall lookon the plague, afterthat it is washed: and, behold, ifthe plaguehave not changedhis colour, and the plaguebe not spread; it isunclean; thou shalt burnit in the fire; it isfret inward, whether it bebare withinor without.nwhether…: Heb. whether it be bald in the head thereof, or in the forehead thereof56 And if the priestlook, and, behold, the plaguebesomewhat darkafterthe washingof it; then he shall rendit out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof:57 And if it appearstillin the garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, or in any thingof skin; it isa spreadingplague: thou shalt burnthat wherein the plagueiswith fire.58 And the garment, either warp, or woof, or whatsoever thingof skinit be, which thou shalt wash, if the plaguebe departedfrom them, then it shall be washedthe secondtime, and shall be clean.59 This isthe lawof the plagueof leprosyin a garmentof woollenor linen, either in the warp, or woof, or any thingof skins, to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean.