10 Andthe apostles, when they were returned, toldhimall thatthey had done. Andhe tookthem, and went asideprivatelyintoadesertplacebelonging to the citycalledBethsaida.11 Andthe people, when they knewit, followedhim: andhe receivedthem, and spakeunto themofthe kingdomof God, andhealedthem that hadneedof healing.12 Andwhenthe daybeganto wear away, thencamethe twelve, and saidunto him, Sendthe multitudeaway, thatthey may gointothe townsandcountryround about, and lodge, andgetvictuals: forwe arehereina desertplace.13 Buthe saiduntothem, Giveyethemto eat.Andthey said, Wehavenomorebutfiveloavesandtwofishes; exceptweshould goand buymeatforallthispeople.14 Forthey wereaboutfive thousandmen. Andhe saidtohisdisciples, Makethemsit downbyfiftiesin a company.15 Andthey didso, andmadethem allsit down.16 Thenhe tookthefiveloavesandthetwofishes, and looking uptoheaven, he blessedthem, andbrake, andgaveto the disciplesto set beforethe multitude.17 Andthey did eat, andwereallfilled: andthere was taken upof fragmentsthat remainedto themtwelvebaskets.
18 Andit came to pass, ashewasalonepraying, his discipleswere withhim: andhe askedthem, saying, Whomsaythe peoplethatIam?19 Theyansweringsaid, Johnthe Baptist; butsomesay, Elias; andotherssay, thatoneof theoldprophetsis risen again.20 He saidunto them, ButwhomsayyethatIam?Peteransweringsaid, The Christof God.21 Andhe straitly chargedthem, and commandedthemto tellno manthat thing;22 Saying, The Sonof manmustsuffermany things, andbe rejectedofthe eldersandchief priestsandscribes, andbe slain, andbe raisedthethirdday.
23 Andhe saidtothemall, Ifanymanwillcomeafterme, let him denyhimself, andtake uphiscrossdaily, andfollowme.24 Forwhosoeverwillsavehislifeshall loseit: butwhosoeverwill losehislifeformysake, the sameshall saveit.25 Forwhatisa manadvantaged, if he gainthe wholeworld, andlosehimself, orbe cast away?26 Forwhosoevershall be ashamedof meandofmywords, of himshallthe Sonof manbe ashamed, whenhe shall comeinhis ownglory, andin hisFather's, andof theholyangels.27 ButI tellyouof a truth, there besomestandinghere, whichshallnottasteof death, tillthey seethe kingdomof God.
28 Andit came to passaboutaneightdaysafterthesesayings, he tookPeterandJohnandJames, and went upintoa mountainto pray.29 Andasheprayed, the fashionofhiscountenancewas altered, andhisraimentwaswhiteandglistering.30 And, behold, there talked withhimtwomen, whichwereMosesandElias:31 Whoappearedinglory, and spakeofhisdeceasewhichhe shouldaccomplishatJerusalem.32 ButPeterandthey that werewithhimwere heavywith sleep: andwhen they were awake, they sawhisglory, andthetwomenthat stood withhim.33 Andit came to pass, astheydepartedfromhim, PetersaiduntoJesus, Master, it isgoodfor usto behere: andlet us makethreetabernacles; onefor thee, andonefor Moses, andonefor Elias: notknowingwhathe said.34 Whilehethusspake, there camea cloud, andovershadowedthem: andthey fearedastheyenteredintothe cloud.35 Andthere camea voiceoutof the cloud, saying, ThisismybelovedSon: hearhim.36 Andwhenthe voicewas past, Jesuswas foundalone. Andtheykept it close, andtoldno maninthosedaysanyof those things whichthey had seen.
37 Andit came to pass, thatonthenextday, whentheywere come downfromthe hill, muchpeoplemethim.38 And, behold, a manofthe companycried out, saying, Master, I beseechthee, lookuponmyson: forhe ismineonly child.39 And, lo, a spirittakethhim, andhesuddenlycrieth out; andit tearethhimthathe foameth again, andbruisinghimhardlydepartethfromhim.40 AndI besoughtthydisciplestocasthimout; andthey couldnot.41 AndJesusansweringsaid, Ofaithlessandperversegeneration, howlongshall I bewithyou, andsufferyou? Bringthysonhither.42 And ashewasyeta coming, the devilthrewhimdown, andtarehim. AndJesusrebukedtheuncleanspirit, andhealedthe child, anddeliveredhimagaintohisfather.
51 Andit came to pass, whenthe timewas comethatheshould be received up, hestedfastly sethisfaceto gotoJerusalem,52 Andsentmessengersbeforehisface: andthey went, and enteredintoa villageof the Samaritans, tomake readyfor him.53 Andthey didnotreceivehim, becausehisfacewasas though he would gotoJerusalem.54 AndwhenhisdisciplesJamesandJohnsawthis, they said, Lord, wilt thouthat we commandfireto come downfromheaven, andconsumethem, evenasEliasdid?55 Buthe turned, and rebukedthem, andsaid, Ye knownotwhat mannerof spirityeareof.56 Forthe Sonof manisnotcometo destroymen'slives, butto savethem. Andthey wenttoanothervillage.
57 Andit came to pass, that, astheywentinthe way, a certainmansaiduntohim, Lord, I will followtheewhithersoeverthou goest.58 AndJesussaidunto him, Foxeshaveholes, andbirdsof the airhavenests; butthe Sonof manhathnotwhereto layhishead.59 Andhe saiduntoanother, Followme.Buthe said, Lord, suffermefirstto goand burymyfather.60 Jesussaidunto him, Letthe deadburytheirdead: butgothouand preachthe kingdomof God.61 Andanotheralsosaid, Lord, I will followthee; butletmefirstgobidthemfarewell, which areat homeatmyhouse.62 AndJesussaiduntohim, No man, having puthishandtothe plough, andlookingback, isfitforthe kingdomof God.