1 Andit came to pass, that, asthe peoplepressed uponhimto hearthe wordof God, hestoodbythe lakeof Gennesaret,2 Andsawtwoshipsstandingbythe lake: butthe fishermenwere gone outofthem, and were washingtheirnets.3 Andhe enteredintooneof the ships, whichwasSimon's, and prayedhimthat he would thrust outa littlefromthe land. Andhe sat down, and taughtthe peopleout ofthe ship.4 Nowwhenhe had leftspeaking, he saiduntoSimon, Launch outintothe deep, andlet downyournetsfora draught.5 AndSimonansweringsaidunto him, Master, we have toiledallthe night, and have takennothing: neverthelessatthywordI will let downthe net.6 Andwhen they hadthisdone, they incloseda greatmultitudeof fishes: andtheirnetbrake.7 Andthey beckoneduntotheirpartners, whichwere inthe othership, that they should comeand helpthem. Andthey came, andfilledboththe ships, so thattheybegan to sink.8 WhenSimonPetersawit, he fell down atJesus'knees, saying, Departfromme; forI ama sinfulman, O Lord.9 Forhewas astonished, andallthatwere withhim, atthe draughtof the fisheswhichthey had taken:10 AndsowasalsoJames, andJohn, the sonsof Zebedee, whichwerepartnerswithSimon. AndJesussaiduntoSimon, Fearnot; fromhenceforththou shaltcatchmen.11 Andwhen they had broughttheirshipstoland, they forsookall, and followedhim.
12 Andit came to pass, whenhewasina certaincity, beholda manfullof leprosy: who seeingJesusfellonhisface, and besoughthim, saying, Lord, ifthou wilt, thou canstmakemeclean.13 Andhe put forthhishand, and touchedhim, saying, I will: be thou clean.Andimmediatelythe leprosydepartedfromhim.14 Andhechargedhimto tellno man: butgo, and shewthyselfto the priest, andofferforthycleansing, according asMosescommanded, fora testimonyunto them.15 Butso much the morewent therea fameabroadofhim: andgreatmultitudescame togetherto hear, andto be healedbyhimoftheirinfirmities.
16 Andhe withdrewhimselfintothe wilderness, andprayed.17 Andit came to passona certainday, ashewasteaching, thatthere werePhariseesanddoctors of the lawsitting by, whichwerecomeoutof everytownof Galilee, andJudæa, andJerusalem: andthe powerof the Lordwaspresenttohealthem.
18 And, behold, menbroughtina beda manwhichwastaken with a palsy: andthey soughtmeansto bringhimin, andto layhimbeforehim.19 Andwhen they couldnotfindbywhatwaythey might bringhiminbecause ofthe multitude, they wentuponthe housetop, and lethimdownthroughthe tilingwithhiscouchintothe midstbeforeJesus.20 Andwhen he sawtheirfaith, he saidunto him, Man, thysinsare forgiventhee.21 Andthe scribesandthe Phariseesbeganto reason, saying, Whoisthiswhichspeakethblasphemies? Whocanforgivesins, butGodalone?22 But whenJesusperceivedtheirthoughts, he answeringsaiduntothem, Whatreason yeinyourhearts?23 Whetheriseasier, to say, Thysinsbe forgiventhee; orto say, Rise upandwalk?24 Butthatye may knowthatthe Sonof manhathpoweruponearthto forgivesins, (he saidunto the sick of the palsy,) I sayunto thee, Arise, andtake upthycouch, and gointothinehouse.25 Andimmediatelyhe rose upbeforethem, and tookupthatwhereon he lay, and departedtohis ownhouse, glorifyingGod.26 Andthey wereallamazed, andthey glorifiedGod, andwere filledwith fear, saying, We have seenstrange thingsto day.
27 Andafterthese thingshe went forth, andsawa publican, namedLevi, sittingatthe receipt of custom: andhe saidunto him, Followme.28 Andhe leftall, rose up, and followedhim.29 AndLevimadehima greatfeastinhis ownhouse: andthere wasa greatcompanyof publicansandof othersthatsat downwiththem.30 ButtheirscribesandPhariseesmurmuredagainsthisdisciples, saying, Whydo ye eatanddrinkwithpublicansandsinners?31 AndJesusansweringsaiduntothem, Theythat are wholeneednota physician; buttheythat aresick.32 I camenotto callthe righteous, butsinnerstorepentance.
33 And they saiduntohim, Why dothe disciplesof Johnfastoften, andmakeprayers, andlikewisethe disciplesof the Pharisees; butthineeatanddrink?34 Andhe saiduntothem, Can yemakethe childrenof the bridechamberfast, whilethe bridegroomiswiththem?35 Butthe dayswill come, whenthe bridegroomshall be taken awayfromthem, and thenshall they fastinthosedays.
36 Andhe spakealsoa parableuntothem; No manputtetha pieceof a newgarmentuponan old; ifotherwise, thenboththe newmaketh a rent, andthe piecethat wastakenout ofthe newagreethnotwith the old.37 Andno manputtethnewwineintooldbottles; elsethe newwinewill burstthe bottles, andbe spilled, andthe bottlesshall perish.38 Butnewwinemust be putintonewbottles; andbothare preserved.39 No manalsohaving drunkoldwinestraightwaydesirethnew: forhe saith, The oldisbetter.