1 Andit came to passinthose days, thatthere went outa decreefromCæsarAugustus, that allthe worldshould be taxed.2 (Andthistaxingwasfirstmade whenCyreniuswas governorof Syria.)3 Andallwentto be taxed, every oneintohis owncity.4 AndJosephalsowent upfromGalilee, out ofthe cityof Nazareth, intoJudæa, untothe cityof David, whichis calledBethlehem; (becausehewasofthe houseandlineageof David:)5 To be taxedwithMaryhisespousedwife, beinggreat with child.6 Andso it was, that, whiletheywerethere, the dayswere accomplishedthat sheshould be delivered.7 Andshe brought forthherfirstbornson, andwrappedhimin swaddling clothes, andlaidhimina manger; becausethere wasnoroomfor theminthe inn.8 Andthere wereinthe samecountryshepherdsabiding in the field, keepingwatchovertheirflockby night.9 And, lo, the angelof the Lordcame uponthem, andthe gloryof the Lordshone round aboutthem: andthey weresoreafraid.10 Andthe angelsaidunto them, Fearnot: for, behold, I bringyougood tidingsofgreatjoy, whichshall betoallpeople.11 Forunto youis bornthis dayinthe cityof Davida Saviour, whichisChristthe Lord.12 Andthisshall bea signunto you; Ye shall findthe babewrapped in swaddling clothes, lyingina manger.13 Andsuddenlythere waswiththe angela multitudeof the heavenlyhostpraisingGod, andsaying,14 Gloryto Godinthe highest, andonearthpeace, good willtowardmen.15 Andit came to pass, asthe angelswere gone awayfromthemintoheaven, the shepherdssaidonetoanother, Let usnowgoeven untoBethlehem, andseethisthingwhich is come to pass, whichthe Lordhath made knownunto us.16 Andthey camewith haste, andfoundMary, andJoseph, andthe babelyingina manger.17 Andwhen they had seenit, they made knownabroadthe sayingwhich was toldthemconcerningthischild.18 Andallthey that hearditwonderedatthose things whichwere toldthembythe shepherds.19 ButMarykeptallthesethings, and ponderedtheminherheart.20 Andthe shepherdsreturned, glorifyingandpraisingGodforallthe things thatthey had heardandseen, asit was tolduntothem.21 Andwheneightdayswere accomplishedfor the circumcisingof the child, hisnamewas calledJESUS, which was so namedofthe angelbeforehewas conceivedinthe womb.22 Andwhenthe daysofherpurificationaccording tothe lawof Moseswere accomplished, they broughthimtoJerusalem, to presenthimto the Lord;23 (Asit is writteninthe lawof the Lord, Everymalethat openeththe wombshall be calledholyto the Lord;)24 Andto offera sacrificeaccording tothat which is saidinthe lawof the Lord, A pairof turtledoves, ortwoyoungpigeons.25 And, behold, there wasa maninJerusalem, whosenamewasSimeon; andthe samemanwasjustanddevout, waitingfor the consolationof Israel: andtheHolyGhostwasuponhim.26 Andit wasrevealedunto himbytheHolyGhost, that he shouldnotseedeath, beforehe had seentheLord'sChrist.27 Andhe camebythe Spiritintothe temple: andwhenthe parentsbrought inthe childJesus, to doforhimafterthe customof the law,28 Thentookhehimupinhisarms, andblessedGod, andsaid,29 Lord, nowlettest thouthyservantdepartinpeace, according tothyword:30 Formineeyeshave seenthysalvation,31 Whichthou hast preparedbeforethe faceof allpeople;32 A lighttolightenthe Gentiles, andthe gloryofthypeopleIsrael.33 AndJosephandhismothermarvelledatthose things which were spokenofhim.34 AndSimeonblessedthem, andsaiduntoMaryhismother, Behold, thischildis setforthe fallandrising againof manyinIsrael; andfora signwhich shall be spoken against;35 (Yea, a swordshall pierce throughthyownsoulalso,) thatthe thoughtsofmanyheartsmay be revealed.36 Andthere wasone Anna, a prophetess, the daughterof Phanuel, ofthe tribeof Aser: shewas ofa greatage, and had livedwithan husbandsevenyearsfromhervirginity;37 Andshewasa widowof aboutfourscore and fouryears, whichdepartednotfromthe temple, but servedGodwith fastingsandprayersnightandday.38 Andshecoming inthatinstantgave thanks likewiseunto the Lord, andspakeofhimto allthem that lookedfor redemptioninJerusalem.39 Andwhenthey had performedall thingsaccording tothe lawof the Lord, they returnedintoGalilee, totheir owncityNazareth.40 Andthe childgrew, andwaxed strongin spirit, filledwith wisdom: andthe graceof Godwasuponhim.41 NowhisparentswenttoJerusalemeveryyearat the feastof the passover.42 Andwhenhe wastwelveyears old, theywent uptoJerusalemafterthe customof the feast.43 Andwhen they had fulfilledthe days, astheyreturned, the childJesustarried behindinJerusalem; andJosephandhismotherknewnotof it. 44 Butthey, supposinghimto have beeninthe company, wenta day'sjourney; andthey soughthimamongtheirkinsfolkandacquaintance.45 Andwhen they foundhimnot, they turned back againtoJerusalem, seekinghim.46 Andit came to pass, that afterthreedaysthey foundhiminthe temple, sittinginthe midstof the doctors, bothhearingthem, andaskingthemquestions.47 Andallthat heardhimwere astonishedathisunderstandingandanswers.48 Andwhen they sawhim, they were amazed: andhismothersaiduntohim, Son, whyhast thouthusdealtwith us? behold, thyfatherand Ihave soughttheesorrowing.49 Andhe saiduntothem, Howis it thatye soughtme? wist yenotthatImustbeaboutmyFather'sbusiness?50 Andtheyunderstoodnotthe sayingwhichhe spakeunto them.51 Andhe went downwiththem, andcametoNazareth, andwassubject untothem: buthismotherkeptallthesesayingsinherheart.52 AndJesusincreasedin wisdomandstature, andin favourwithGodandman.