1 And the sonsof the prophetssaiduntoElisha, Behold now, the placewhere we dwellwith thee is too strait for us.2 Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and takethence every manabeam, and let us makeus a placethere, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go ye.3 And onesaid, Be content, I pray thee, and gowith thy servants. And he answered, I will go.4 So he wentwith them. And when they cameto Jordan, they cut downwood.5 But as onewas fellinga beam, the axe headfellinto the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.naxe head: Heb. iron6 And the manof Godsaid, Wherefellit? And he shewedhim the place. And he cut downa stick, and castitin thither; and the irondid swim.7 Therefore said he, Take itupto thee. And he put outhis hand, and took it.
8 Then the kingof Syriawarredagainst Israel, and took counselwith his servants, saying, In suchand sucha placeshall bemy camp.ncamp: or, encamping9 And the manof Godsentunto the kingof Israel, saying, Bewarethat thou passnot sucha place; for thither the Syriansare come down.10 And the kingof Israelsentto the placewhich the manof Godtoldhim and warnedhim of, and savedhimself there, not oncenor twice.11 Therefore the heartof the kingof Syriawas sore troubledfor this thing; and he calledhis servants, and saidunto them, Will ye not shew me which of us isfor the kingof Israel?12 And oneof his servantssaid, None, my lord, O king: but Elisha, the prophet that isin Israel, telleththe kingof Israelthe wordsthat thou speakestin thy bedchamber.nNone: Heb. No
13 And he said, Goand spywhere he is, that I may sendand fetchhim. And it was toldhim, saying, Behold, he isin Dothan.14 Therefore senthe thither horses, and chariots, and a greathost: and they cameby night, and compassedthe cityabout.ngreat: Heb. heavy15 And when the servantof the manof Godwas risenearly, and gone forth, behold, an hostcompassedthe cityboth with horsesand chariots. And his servantsaidunto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?nthe servant: or, the minister16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us aremore than they that be with them.17 And Elishaprayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, openhis eyes, that he may see. And the Lordopenedthe eyesof the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountainwasfullof horsesand chariotsof fireround aboutElisha.18 And when they came downto him, Elishaprayedunto the Lord, and said, Smitethis people, I pray thee, with blindness. And he smotethem with blindnessaccording to the wordof Elisha.
19 And Elishasaid unto them, This isnot the way, neither isthisthe city: followme, and I will bringyou to the manwhom ye seek. But he ledthem to Samaria.nfollow…: Heb. come ye after me20 And it came to pass, when they were comeinto Samaria, that Elishasaid, Lord, openthe eyes of these men, that they may see. And the Lordopenedtheir eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they werein the midstof Samaria.21 And the kingof Israelsaidunto Elisha, when he sawthem, My father, shall I smitethem? shall I smitethem?22 And he answered, Thou shalt not smitethem: wouldest thou smitethose whom thou hast taken captivewith thy swordand with thy bow? setbreadand waterbeforethem, that they may eatand drink, and goto their master.23 And he preparedgreatprovisionfor them: and when they had eatenand drunk, he sent them away, and they wentto their master. So the bandsof Syriacameno moreinto the landof Israel.
24 And it came to pass after this, that Ben–hadadkingof Syriagatheredall his host, and went up, and besiegedSamaria.25 And there was a greatfaminein Samaria: and, behold, they besiegedit, until an ass'shead was soldfor fourscorepiecesof silver, and the fourth partof a cabof dove's dungfor fivepiecesof silver.26 And as the kingof Israelwas passing byupon the wall, there crieda womanunto him, saying, Help, my lord, O king.27 And he said, If the Lorddo not helpthee, whenceshall I helpthee? out of the barnfloor, or out of the winepress?nIf…: or, Let not the Lord save thee28 And the kingsaidunto her, What aileth thee? And she answered, This womansaidunto me, Givethy son, that we may eathim to day, and we will eatmy sonto morrow.29 So we boiledmy son, and did eathim: and I saidunto her on the nextday, Givethy son, that we may eathim: and she hath hidher son.nnext: Heb. other
30 And it came to pass, when the kingheardthe wordsof the woman, that he renthis clothes; and he passed byupon the wall, and the peoplelooked, and, behold, he hadsackclothwithinupon his flesh.31 Then he said, Goddoso and morealso to me, if the headof Elishathe sonof Shaphatshall standon him this day.32 But Elishasatin his house, and the elderssat with him; and the kingsenta manfrom beforehim: but ere the messengercameto him, he saidto the elders, Seeye how this sonof a murdererhath sentto take awaymine head? look, when the messengercometh, shutthe door, and hold him fastat the door: isnot the soundof his master'sfeetbehind him?33 And while he yet talkedwith them, behold, the messengercame downunto him: and he said, Behold, this evilisof the Lord; what should I waitfor the Lord any longer?