1 And Ahabhad seventysonsin Samaria. And Jehuwroteletters, and sentto Samaria, unto the rulersof Jezreel, to the elders, and to them that brought upAhab'schildren, saying,nthem…: Heb. nourishers2 Now as soon as this lettercomethto you, seeing your master'ssonsare with you, and there arewith you chariotsand horses, a fencedcityalso, and armour;3 Look even outthe bestand meetestof your master'ssons, and sethimon his father'sthrone, and fightfor your master'shouse.4 But they were exceedinglyafraid, and said, Behold, twokingsstoodnot beforehim: how then shall we stand?5 And he that wasover the house, and he that wasover the city, the eldersalso, and the bringers upof the children, sentto Jehu, saying, We arethy servants, and will doall that thou shalt bidus; we will not make anyking: do thou that which isgoodin thine eyes.6 Then he wrotea letterthe second timeto them, saying, If ye be mine, and ifye will hearkenunto my voice, takeye the headsof the menyour master'ssons, and cometo me to Jezreelby to morrowthis time. Now the king'ssons, beingseventypersons, werewith the great menof the city, which brought them up.nmine: Heb. for me7 And it came to pass, when the lettercameto them, that they tookthe king'ssons, and slewseventypersons, and puttheir headsin baskets, and sent him themto Jezreel.
8 And there camea messenger, and toldhim, saying, They have broughtthe headsof the king'ssons. And he said, Layye them in twoheapsat the entering inof the gateuntil the morning.9 And it came to pass in the morning, that he went out, and stood, and saidto all the people, Ye berighteous: behold, I conspiredagainst my master, and slewhim: but who slew all these?10 Knownowthat there shall fallunto the earthnothing of the wordof the Lord, which the Lordspakeconcerning the houseof Ahab: for the Lordhath donethatwhich he spakebyhis servantElijah.nby: Heb. by the hand of11 So Jehuslewall that remainedof the houseof Ahabin Jezreel, and all his great men, and his kinsfolks, and his priests, until he lefthim none remaining.nkinsfolks: or, acquaintance
12 And he aroseand departed, and cameto Samaria. And as he wasat the shearinghousein the way,nshearing…: Heb. house of shepherds binding sheep13 Jehumetwith the brethrenof Ahaziahkingof Judah, and said, Who areye? And they answered, We arethe brethrenof Ahaziah; and we go downto salutethe childrenof the kingand the childrenof the queen.nmet with: Heb. foundnto salute…: Heb. to the peace of, etc14 And he said, Takethem alive. And they tookthem alive, and slewthem at the pitof the shearing house, eventwoand fortymen; neither lefthe any of them.
15 And when he was departedthence, he lightedon Jehonadabthe sonof Rechabcomingto meethim: and he salutedhim, and saidto him, Isthine heartright, as my heartiswith thy heart? And Jehonadabanswered, It is. If it be, givemethine hand. And he gavehimhis hand; and he took him upto him into the chariot.nlighted on: Heb. foundnsaluted: Heb. blessed16 And he said, Comewith me, and seemy zealfor the Lord. So they made him ridein his chariot.17 And when he cameto Samaria, he slewall that remainedunto Ahabin Samaria, till he had destroyedhim, according to the sayingof the Lord, which he spaketo Elijah.
18 And Jehugatheredall the peopletogether, and saidunto them, AhabservedBaala little; butJehushall servehim much.19 Now therefore callunto me all the prophetsof Baal, all his servants, and all his priests; let nonebe wanting: for I have a greatsacrificeto doto Baal; whosoever shall be wanting, he shall not live. But Jehudiditin subtilty, to the intent that he might destroythe worshippersof Baal.20 And Jehusaid, Proclaima solemn assemblyfor Baal. And they proclaimedit.nProclaim: Heb. Sanctify21 And Jehusentthrough all Israel: and all the worshippersof Baalcame, so that there was not a manleftthat camenot. And they cameinto the houseof Baal; and the houseof Baalwas fullfrom one endto another.nfull…: or, so full that they stood mouth to mouth22 And he said unto him that wasover the vestry, Bring forthvestmentsfor all the worshippersof Baal. And he brought them forthvestments.23 And Jehuwent, and Jehonadabthe sonof Rechab, into the houseof Baal, and saidunto the worshippersof Baal, Search, and lookthat there behere with you none of the servantsof the Lord, but the worshippersof Baal only.24 And when they went into offersacrificesand burnt offerings, Jehuappointedfourscoremenwithout, and said, Ifanyof the menwhom I have broughtinto your handsescape, he that letteth him go, his lifeshall befor the life of him.25 And it came to pass, as soon as he had made an endof offeringthe burnt offering, that Jehusaidto the guardand to the captains, Go in, andslaythem; let nonecome forth. And they smotethem with the edgeof the sword; and the guardand the captains cast themout, and wentto the cityof the houseof Baal.nthe edge: Heb. the mouth26 And they brought forththe imagesout of the houseof Baal, and burned them.nimages: Heb. statues27 And they brake downthe imageof Baal, and brake downthe houseof Baal, and madeit a draught houseunto this day.28 Thus JehudestroyedBaalout of Israel.
29 Howbeit fromthe sinsof Jeroboamthe sonof Nebat, who made Israelto sin, Jehudepartednot from after them, to wit, the goldencalves that werein Beth–el, and that werein Dan.30 And the Lordsaidunto Jehu, Because thou hast done wellin executingthat which isrightin mine eyes, andhast doneunto the houseof Ahab according to all that wasin mine heart, thy childrenof the fourthgenerationshall siton the throneof Israel.31 But Jehutook no heedto walkin the lawof the LordGodof Israelwith all his heart: for he departednot from the sinsof Jeroboam, which made Israelto sin.ntook…: Heb. observed not
32 In those daysthe Lordbeganto cutIsraelshort: and Hazaelsmotethem in all the coastsof Israel;nto cut: Heb. to cut off the ends33 From Jordaneastward, all the landof Gilead, the Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer, which isby the riverArnon, even Gileadand Bashan.neastward: Heb. toward the rising of the sunneven…: or, even to Gilead and Bashan34 Now the restof the actsof Jehu, and all that he did, and all his might, arethey not writtenin the bookof the chroniclesof the kingsof Israel?35 And Jehusleptwith his fathers: and they buriedhim in Samaria. And Jehoahazhis sonreigned in his stead.36 And the timethat Jehureignedover Israelin Samariawastwentyand eightyears.nthe time: Heb. the days were